Can John at His Age Handle It?

Is John McCain (72) too old for the presidency? Since the war hero became a candidate, this question hangs above his campaign.

Because if McCain wins, he will become the oldest person to begin his presidency in the history of the United States.

Until now none of his rivals found it necessary to, at some length, emphasize McCain’s age. However, his victory in South Carolina this weekend makes McCain a formidable prospect for the nomination.

Thus, all weapons are being taken out of the arsenal to push McCain off his throne. Yesterday, action hero and Huckabee supporter, Chuck Norris (67), was the first one to go on the attack. One day after Huckabee’s defeat in South Carolina, the Texas Ranger said: “If John McCain takes over the presidency at age 72 and he ages 3-to-1 in the White House, how old will he be in four years: 84. Can he handle that kind of pressure in that job?”

Norris also pointed to Clinton’s and Bush’s gray hair and wrinkles. “Because of that, I have chosen not to support John. I am just afraid that the vice-president will wind up taking over half-way [through the presidency]” he said. Huckabee (52) who heard the comments didn’t want to say whether he also thinks that McCain is too old for the presidency. He disposed of it, as he usually does, with a joke. “Only John and his hairdresser know for sure. I can only say that it is a very stressful job and that I know that I am sufficiently fit,” according to the candidate.

Indeed. McCain is finding it more difficult to come across as fit, young and energetic. As a prisoner of war in Vietnam, the Republican was tortured and seriously wounded. As a result, he still walks with difficulty. McCain also can no longer lift his arms above his head, which makes it difficult to wave and to be jubilant. As soon as he has a microphone in his hands, there is otherwise nothing more to be noticed about his body defects. McCain is especially to-the-point and quick with his answers on political questions. And he knows how to play the public. Most of the time, the candidate ignores questions about his age. Earlier this year, the war hero strategically took his spry 95-year-old mother along on the campaign, as if he wanted to say: Look, I have strong genes, thus age doesn’t mean a thing.

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