China Accused of Stealing American Intelligence

Nov 21 news

Two months before Obama comes to office as the new president, an organization under the Congress named “U.S.-China Economic and Safety Review Commission” published a report of analysis of China. There is nothing new in this report which is filled with “Cold War mentality”, as in previous documents, filled with all of the cliché of “Chinese threat theory.”

According to the report which was released by United Press International, reporters can gather that this Commission thought, ‘China had penetrated enormously sensitive information of military items and private American businesses through computer networks.’ In fact, in response to similar allegation of the United States, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs repeatedly persuaded the U.S. not to be edgy, and make a bigger deal than it was in the reports.

Due to the complex nature of internet, cyber attacks are different from actual ones. With various ways, pro and skillful hackers can ‘borrow’ someone’s platform in launching attacks. Even though investigators could discover the origin of attacks, that does not mean that that is really the site of the attackers. Without solid evidence, it is hard to determine the nationality of the attackers.

Therefore, not only do those irresponsible comments from the American politicians ruin the image of China and her citizens, they also have a negative impact on the relationship of U.S. and China.

This Commission was established in the year of 2000. Members, including six Democrats, six Republicans, have been delegated the task of reviewing matters and submitting proposals on Chinese-U.S. relationships. The Commission declared that China was flexing its military muscles, plus stepping up its capacity in space power. China was said to be extending her influence disregardful of the interests of her Asian neighbors and the United States.

Despite repeating statements by Ministry of Foreign Affairs that China does not mean to threaten other countries, and wishes to maintain a healthy relationship with America, there still is a minority in the US would throw reports based on ‘China threat theory’ from time to time. Also there are hurting comments on China’s military developments, that do not do good to a healthy relationship between the two nations.

The Report specifically pointed out that the increasing space capacity in China would “effectively improve aiming at American military targets; in particular in global positioning of submarine fleet.” Equipped with the most advanced space technologies and equipments, the United States’ potential surpasses by far that of other countries. Yet under the pretext of “security in threat”, it is ruthlessly accusing other countries of developing space technologies.

China has always been advocating using the space in peaceful terms. The ultimate goal of manned spaceship launches is to explore and utilize outer space for peaceful ends, promoting the well-being of the Chinese citizens and the economy. On many occasions at international situations, China leaders stated that the position of peaceful utilization of space is firm and steadfast. However, when asked to sign on related documents for peaceful utilization of space the United States declined.

This Report requests in particular, a special department will be funded by the Congress in safeguarding the security of computer network systems. It emphasized that, the over-reliance on space technology and information tech of the military would become a ‘soft threat’. Besides emphasizing Chinese military threats, the Commission points a finger at manipulation of the exchange rate of currency trading; the old issue of regulation of foreign imports into China.

This Report proposes to Congress in passing bills, first to request inflation of Chinese currency; and forces those foreign enterprises that invest in American soil to release thorough information about themselves. It has a strong undertone of keeping off the suspicious animals.

There is a general consensus that Obama, in order to obtain Chinese assistance on issues with Iran and Korea nuclear weapons, would pursue a Chinese policy similar to that of Bush. During the election process Obama had stated that China was a rising force that could not be neglected. He saw China neither was a friend or a foe to US, but a strong competitor.

Since Congress and the White House will be controlled by the Democratic Party, it is assumed that on the basis of an overall steady and healthy situation, China and the U.S. will interact through silent muttering and complaining.

(Editor: Dong Qing)

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