A Sad Day in the History of America: The 1,000th Soldier is Killed in Afghanistan

The hideous legacy of the foolish George Bush also includes 4,800 Americans who lost their lives in the pointless occupation of Iraq. It continues to cost more than 1 billion dollars a day, and nobody really knows how to get out of this mess.

Osama Bin Laden keeps smiling to himself in some cave in one of the endless mountains of Afghanistan. The United States, on the other hand — who went on a hopeless chase to find the terrorist who brought down the twin towers by driving passenger planes into the World Trade Center — marks another sad day in its history: the day in which the 1,000th U.S. soldier has fallen in Afghanistan.

Bush, the fool, who was largely controlled by the hot-headed Vice President Dick Cheney, was not satisfied and set out on one of the most unnecessary and expensive adventures in U.S. history: the invasion of Iraq. The number of casualties from this ridiculous invasion already exceeds 4,800. The number of injured Americans is close to 30,000. Saddam Hussein was hanged, and the only country to benefit was Iran. America handed over the Shiite majority in Iraq as a gift to Iran. They killed Saddam, and now they have Ahmadinejad to worry about.

The United States is sinking into a deep operational mess, and the country cannot be rescued without considering this to be a horrible defeat. Therefore, even Obama, who dreamed of pulling his country out of the Iraqi mess, continues to sink in it. The price: over 1 billion dollars a day. Currently, there is no semblance of a light at the end of the tunnel. America is training the Iraqi, arming him and thanklessly pouring money on him. His army is hiding out in closed and fortified army camps, but real control of his country belongs neither to America nor the West.

We had Ehud Barak, who was courageous to say that “enough is enough” and to take us out of Lebanon in 2000. America has Obama, but he has yet to pay his dues, and he may even need to go after one term.

The lesson is the same lesson that was learned the hard way by Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler and even the foolish Bushes, both father and son: The limits of power have always brought down every empire, with no exception. In this country, we hope that those with the appetite for battle, who are led by the belief that “force” is the answer to everything, will calm down before it is too late.

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1 Comment

  1. Dang Israel. Bet you weren’t complaining when the foolish Bush was letting you do whatever the hell you wanted in the Westbank Incershion. And Alexander the Great didn’t see the fall of his empire buddy. In fact few have died as succesful as him.

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