
According to experts in the oil industry, New Orleans holds giant oil deposits resembling Iraq’s natural oil reservoirs. The quantity stored within these deposits exponentially exceeds the amount declared to be exported to the United States, which means that unregistered oil production is taking place and being exported in secret. This reveals the true face of America’s motives for occupying Iraq: namely, oil theft, conspiring with Iran in Arab affairs and draining Iraq of its resources (especially oil) in order to transport them to and store them within the United States.

Claiming to support human rights, the United States, not unexpectedly, began to loot the wealth of Iraqis and deplete the country of its wealth in order to fill the coffers of wealthy Americans. Though this practice lays the foundation for Western civilization, what should we say of those who have collaborated with the U.S. by facilitating the looting of their own country and cooperating with their enemies to slaughter all opposition? These people ignore what is happening in their country as long as America pampers them. Such is the case with the Kurds.

So what becomes of those who wish to repeat these same atrocities and sabotage Arab countries by plundering their wealth and oil? What should we call these people? What kind of human beings are they?

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