
Edited by Katie Marinello

The Republican Party is almost entirely made up of dinosaurs.

Did you know that most women who are raped can prevent pregnancy just by concentrating hard enough? In the case of “real” or “legitimate rape,” Todd Akin believes that “the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.” After his comment sparked worldwide outrage, Akin, a U.S. Senate candidate from Missouri, said that he meant “violent” rape. Yet, what is actually despicable is that the Republican Party is almost entirely made up of dinosaurs like Akin.

The question is whether or not such recurring incidents of the crazy, anti-liberal, (pseudo)religious, anti-science, anti-feminist right-wingers in the U.S. (and Europe) are final encounters with an endangered species of right-wing dinosaurs or the beginning of the future.

The Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, a left-wing populist modeled after Hugo Chavez, wants to give Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who has been accused of rape, asylum. Of course, he wants to upset the U.S., but he has sad “not [using] a condom between a couple is not a crime in Latin America.”

Moreover, the law reducing the sentences of most rapists to house arrest with ankle bracelets is a footprint of the existence of dino-internationals in Austria.

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