Western Anti-Chinese Forces Are Adamantly Trying To Hurt China

Recently, some American congressmen wrote to the administration in Washington, D.C., demanding to rename the street the Chinese embassy is located on, or at least a portion of it, after Liu Xiaobo, who is currently in Chinese prison. The intention of these American congressmen is apparent to any Chinese with even a little bit of international awareness.

Lately, American and Western forces have been very engaged in finding trouble for China. They are quite emotional and are determined to upset China. They have colluded with marginalized pro-democracy Chinese who are overseas, and are using any and all tactics. However, they are the real unhappy ones when they use these petty fights to release discontent about a stronger China.

It is apparent that they could no longer hurt a Chinese society who is gaining foreign affairs savvy. Their performance is reinforcing the Chinese view that some Western forces, especially some in America, are really anti-China. They are dedicated to making trouble for China, and are hoping that China can be overturned. Even worse, many of these people are the American and Western elite, and they can impact America and Europe’s Chinese policy up to a point.

To the Chinese, these people and forces’ anti-Chinese tendencies are easy to recognize. Their support of Xinjiang and Tibetan separatist forces make it easy for the Chinese to see their lack of goodwill. When they supported Chinese dissidents before, they may have had some allure, but as their efforts have centralized, become more blatant and one-sided, the Chinese society as a whole has woken up. We can now see the one and only intention behind their actions — disrupting China.

China is a society with deep historical awareness; our ability to decipher politics, especially international-level politics, is very strong. Very few Chinese believed America and the West would selflessly cheer for China on its path to peace and growth, or that they would be our sponsors. Our confusion was in how much reciprocation we would have in a peaceful co-existence, and whether the anti-Chinese supporters would make their expat countries agree with their goals.

These American congressmen’s tendency is disappointing to us: While they cannot hurt us with their creations, they have confirmed the cruel reality of international politics.

China’s national interest is a profound reality. Chinese society would not become a hostage to the American national interest and be controlled by the anti-Chinese forces. Even if some Chinese are influenced by Western values, they are still hoping for their country’s stability and are wary and worried about America’s potential disruption of China.

The Chinese who have allied with Western political forces are still a minority, and they tend to have their personal and organizational interests at heart. They are not the idealists they proclaim to be and the West portrays them to be. As long as the Chinese society remains sober, such people would not be able to amount to much.

In the past 20 years, the Chinese have seen the dissolution of USSR, the civil war in Yugoslavia, and what has happened to Ukraine, Thailand and the Arab world. Events have taught us a more powerful lesson than any lecture could. China still has a lot of inadequacies, but we know how the Western way has ruined many countries. When it comes to our economy, the world’s second largest, the West has neither the sincerity to help us succeed nor the ability to advise on our giant social transformation.

Every battle we have had with anti-Chinese Western forces has made us understand it more. The result: China is moving fast ahead, while the Western accusations and slander are just a bunch of noise along the way.

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