The West Rushes In!

The Islamic State must be “destroy[ed],” proclaimed American head of state Barack Obama at Friday’s NATO summit. And his peers within the Atlantic alliance echoed him, most notably French President Francois Hollande — who has fallen into an abysmal unpopularity never before seen in France — who finds in the world’s current disturbances a distraction enabling him to forget his inability to redress an economy adrift and give the French new hope for a better tomorrow. Sending the army into Mali, the Central African Republic and even Iraq is easier than finding solutions to the problems that are eroding his country. At the NATO summit last weekend, the tone was undoubtedly warlike, whether the focus was on Ukraine — NATO’S Danish secretary-general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, launched into a virulent diatribe against Russia — or the appearance of the “Islamic State” that wrecks everything in its path. With regard to Ukraine, the violent sentiments held by Mr. Rasmussen, which his peers did not seek to qualify, were the equivalent of a declaration of war. In fact, the sole way of managing crises, be they Ukrainian or jihadi, boiled down to threats of “strikes” for the one, “sanctions” for the other. The “28” members of the alliance seemed bloodthirsty, not trying to understand the genesis of the events in order for them to put forward solutions other than resorting to force.

No military solution is permanent; these “high-level” political leaders must know this. And so there is more concern over the effects of the jihadi rise in power than its causes. At the NATO summit, there was alarm over the consequences of the return of the 2,000 or so European jihadi who participated in in the bloodbath in Syria and Iraq, rather than an understanding of why this slippery slope was made possible. The massacres of Iraqi, Syrian, Kurdish and Christian, as well as Yazidi and Turk populations is the last of their worries as long as the killings remain far away from the West. A brazen egocentrism, when one knows that the aforementioned “Islamic State” is first and foremost a creation of great powers concerned with embroiling these regions in conflicts of low and medium intensity. Now, these conflicts have long been hampering the industrial and scientific development of these countries by eliminating them as possible military adversaries. During the Gulf War of the 1990s, the United States focused their strikes on universities, research centers, Iraqi university hospitals and any place that could contribute to some sort of research. An American general put it this way: “We’re going to send Iraq 100 years into the past.”* Which they did. The development of this country has been on standby for 30 years. Certainly, the “Islamic State” has taken on unequaled and doubtless unexpected proportions — which the nebulous “al-Qaida,” a creation of the American FBI and CIA, did not — escaping the control of its Western guardians through the third parties Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The truth will come forth eventually, and the world will know that the United States and the most active countries within the European Union are no strangers to the advent of cross-border terrorism — through the utilization of thugs and fanatics, who know nothing about Islam, as tools — and the disturbances that, from now on, will endanger the world’s security.

The West and the monarchies of the Gulf have supported the rebellion against the Syrian government, rebellion within whose ranks fight jihadi, as well as one of the groups which has become the deleterious “Islamic State.” Once again, it is the West that supported the Ukrainian coup d’état, fascism mixed with neo-Nazism — a theory belonging to its political, military and intelligence officials has moved into Kiev, resulting in the possible, if not probable, split of eastern Ukraine. The West won’t admit to either its “mistakes” or its bad faith, be it in Ukraine or the Middle East. So, in Iraq, the West rushes to arm the Kurdish Iraqi militias, when it should be reinforcing the underequipped official Iraqi army. Baghdad does not have the means, nor is it in any position to oppose this accomplishment, while Americans and Europeans put the militias of an autonomous province before the state army on which it depends. This is just one of the shocking points that shows the shocking falsity and duplicity of the aforementioned Westerners, whose sole interest remains the maintenance of their hegemony over the world, even if it demands the devastation of the planet.

*Editor’s note: The original quotation, accurately translated, could not be verified.

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