The White House and its UN Security Council Lackey

There is no longer any doubt among the nations of the world that the United Nations has become a virtual subject to the United States. At the forefront is the Security Council, the drafts and resolutions of which the U.S. State Department admittedly manages and prepares.

Therefore, given this direct intrusion into an international organization of such standing, the United Nations has lost its importance and value. During the Cold War, the United States hardly ever used its right to veto as one of the five permanent members; however, it has since vetoed a dozen times, particularly against the interests of the Palestinian people, and has effectively gained control of the institution.

The latest draft resolution faced by the Security Council and foiled by the United States pertained to Jordan’s proposition to end the Zionist occupation and establish a Palestinian state. The resolution would have had a host of beneficial repercussions. But to the disappointment of the Palestinians and the world, the council denied global interests in favor of the interests of the United States and its satellites. Nothing has changed in the council, nor will it. The Zionist entity* was clearly intent on stopping the resolution and saw it as an opportunity to expand settlements, seize Palestinian lands and revert residential settlements to owners with dual citizenship. It reverted to its first line of defense, the Security Council, the bias and role of which has been clear to everyone for a long time.

The Palestinian problem in particular and the problems of Arabs in general don’t concern the Zionist entity alone, but also the United States, which sponsors and defends this entity’s crimes and wars. It is a pity that some Arabs, though not all of them, still express blind confidence in the United Nations, which holds all Muslims in contempt. They should recognize that the U.N. cannot mitigate its bias, which has existed since France and Britain first embraced this aggressive Zionist entity and enabled it to exist. Nothing has changed. Rather, the realities have been hardened by Zionist myths and Western capitalism, which view the Arab world as a land it can economically exploit for Turkish delights.

If we are really serious about our search for solutions to the problems of the Arab world, Arabs must find them for themselves, rather than heed the advice of those who caused and aggravated them. We cannot forget the roles some actors played in regard to the Palestinian conflict. They should point the finger at the United States for its biased and unreserved support of the Zionist entity. Then they should point the finger at themselves, the Arabs and Palestinian organizations that have let other countries and entities invalidate their opinions and cast doubts on all their meaningful resolutions and propositions in order to place blame where blame is due.

*Editor’s Note: Zionist entity is a phrase used to refer to the State of Israel.

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1 Comment

  1. As a citizen of the United States and a democratic Socialist, I find it all too easy to agree with the main points of this article. I am also aware that ZIONIST -used out of context- does have anti-Jewish connotations. To be sure, since the collapse of the Soviet Union the United States has had a bully pulpit in the United Nations. Growing up in the late 1950s I recall reading the WORLD NEWS-which idealized the United Nations as a force for peace and progress in the world.
    I recall the pious Judeo-Christian euphoria here in the USA during the triumphal 1967 war. A Biblical prophecy fulfilled ! At the time I was protesting the criminal imperialist war in Vietnam. The Catholic Cardinal Spellman- a war hawk, bless his his soul- supported this insane war as part of the war on GODLESS COMMUNISM. Talk about Islamic religious fanaticism !
    But after more than a half century the Israel-Palestine conflict seems bloody hopeless. No creative thinking on either side.
    Perhaps all alienated people of the Islamic world should have their own state-the mirror image of ” Zionist Israel ” – only far removed from internationally recognized borders of present day Israel ? Just forget about the ashes of long dead ancestors !

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