When Did the US Stop Accepting the Corrupt?

The U.S. says that neither the corrupt nor human rights violators are welcome within its borders. But when did it stop accepting them? The question is worth considering. For decades, Miami and New York, to mention only two cities, have been the hideouts of our most corrupt: from ex-presidents and their lovers/wives (put in chronological order), petty thieves of the fourth or fifth category and every other sort of henchman, torturer and murderer.

For example, those imperial metropolises have been and continue to be the refuge of corrupt businessmen, including the doubly rogue bankers: Those that robbed the public and then the state during those marvelous times of the Fourth Republic.

Even after a cursory historical tour, we can observe that entire U.S. cities have been built, in part, with the ill-gotten money of yesterday’s villains, today and forever. In the 70s, 80s, and 90s, hundreds of white collar crooks financed the construction of opulent condominiums in southern Florida with their dirty money. If we move towards the present, we can see that many of the corrupt who once wore red garb — under the guise of being revolutionaries — have now moved to the U.S. under the pretense of being political exiles. Some people, if they had not robbed during their time as mayor, governor or general, would not have been allowed to remain in the U.S. for more than two weeks, and yet now they have been there for more than 13 years. You do the math.

If we want to mention the people who have violated human rights and are still welcomed into the empire, to the contrary of State Department proclamations, we must begin with the abominable terrorist and murderer of political prisoners, Luis Posada Carriles.

If Washington wanted to obtain the moral authority needed to proclaim what it currently says on this issue, the first thing it would need to do is kick out such monsters. On the contrary, the man is a celebrity there, and, one of these days, they might even make him a statue. No one can claim that despicable individual acted by himself. He is a product of the “made in U.S.A.” system, the purpose of which has always been to repress popular movements and to violate human rights throughout Latin America and every place in the world where someone opposes the superpower´s agenda.

It is a fact that the gringo government taught the military and police forces of the worst dictators of the Southern Cone and Central America how to kill and torture more effectively. In the Venezuelan case, the U.S. was the grand master behind those who committed crimes against humanity, such as the gruesome invention of missing persons. In addition to the horrors mentioned above, there are many Venezuelans, by birth, who have spent their whole lives torturing and violently repressing the innocent but have gone to spend their golden years in the country that swears they do not allow murderers within their borders. There they live in flip-flops, bermuda shorts, floral shirts and beach hats, resisting the ¨regime¨ while they drink piña coladas and sing, with good reason, God Bless America.

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