Obama and Iran

President Obama confirms that negotiations between Iran, the U.S. and other Western powers will end in an agreement that will keep Iran from developing nuclear bombs.

During the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq from 1980 to 1988, Iran needed to clean up the mines planted by the Iraqis in the fields the Iranian soldiers had to cross. The solution the ayatollahs found was to give thousands of plastic keys to children and adolescents and tell them that they were “keys to paradise” so that they walked over the minefields and caused the mines to explode. These clerics have no qualms about duping their own children and sacrificing them; they would have fewer qualms lying to Obama.

Iran is a theocratic dictatorship where the “Supreme Leader” Ali Khamenei rules, not the president. Khamenei is a fanatical cleric who didn’t hesitate publicly proclaiming “death to the United States” as he did a few days ago.

North Korea signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and constantly assured that they had no intention of becoming a nuclear power, until the day it triumphantly proclaimed that it already had an atom bomb. If North Korea could fool the world with such ease, what’s stopping Iran from doing the same? All politicians lie. It could even be said that it’s an essential requirements to succeed in that field. But there’s a huge difference between politicians in a democratic country where opposing parties and free press do not fear reporting on government lies, and politicians in a dictatorship where neither opposing parties nor free press exist.

Have Western nations considered the possibility that Iran is probably lying?

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