The Women Will Have To Stop Him

Bigheaded, divisive, and a woman oppressor — Iowa notwithstanding, Donald Trump still has his eye firmly on the White House. Hopefully, we can count on the American voters.

The American dream is dying. “Those on top” are allowing the middle class to slip into poverty. The United States is headed in the wrong direction. These are the words of the frustrated, the frightened, the embittered, the despairing, the enraged American citizens.

But can real estate magnate Donald Trump, of all people, give the American people their dream back as he promises to help the United States regain its former greatness? Trump — who has admitted he gets all his knowledge of foreign policy from TV talk shows? The guy who wants to make “Forget Europe” a principal part of U.S. foreign policy? Someone who regards the 11 million illegal immigrants — at least the Latinos — as murderers and rapists that he intends to deport within two years? Who says he will build a 2,000 mile long fence between the U.S. and Mexico to keep additional migrants out and then give the Mexicans the bill for the project? Then he wants to forbid all Muslims from entering the United States. Finally​, he says he will slap a 45 percent import duty on all Chinese imports. Beyond those brilliant ideas, he doesn’t have much more to say about global politics.

Trump is a shrewd businessman. At the same time, he’s an outstanding self-promoter: His TV program “The Apprentice,” in which he has played the role of the most successful and dynamic decision-maker for 10 years now, has provided him concise diction, quick wit, and a braggadocious public relations presence. He’s a populist, nationalist, nativist, a narcissistic Narcissus who holds the unprecedented belief that he could “stand In the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”

Besides all that, Trump is a bully. By his own admission, he’s a womanizer and misogynist who has enjoyed many liaisons “with married and unmarried women.” He’s a ladies’ man, and at the same time, he’s a woman-hater. One need not be a feminist to find him repellent. These are just a sampling of his views on “bimbos,” or what the Germans call “tussis.”

On Megyn Kelly, moderator on the conservative Fox TV network who angered Trump: He accused her of not being objective when she had “blood coming out of her wherever.”

On Hillary Clinton: “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” On another occasion, he said it was “disgusting” that Hillary Clinton requested a bathroom break during their interview. That was the same term he used when he said an attorney once asked for a break in the courtroom in order to breastfeed her baby.

On Angelina Jolie: “She’s been with so many guys she makes me look like a baby.”

On online personality Arianna Huffington: “Unattractive both inside and out.”

About his own daughter Ivanka: “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

It begs the question how a misogynist like Trump could ever get along with Angela Merkel, International Monetary Fund Director Christine Lagarde or Queen Elizabeth. He says he depends on the strength of his personality. But how will he handle Putin or Xi Jinping if he pulls back into his shell when he encounters a brash TV moderator?

So far, his foul­-mouthed utterances haven’t harmed him. Even if he finishes second in Iowa but then the following week regains strength in New Hampshire, he’ll still be hard to stop. Then he’ll be the Republican candidate. For all the devil knows, maybe even the 45th president of the United States.

Unless women put a crimp in his plans.

Four years ago, 53 percent of all ballots were cast by women. The Republican candidate got only 44 percent of the female vote. Trump will need even more than that.

Recently, Trump said, “You know, it really doesn’t matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

Women voters in America — all of whom Trump besmirched outwardly and inwardly with such remarks — should deny him the electoral protection he needs on his flanks.

The world would certainly breathe more easily.

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