Trump Was Right To Fear This Man

“I can definitively say the president is not a liar.” This was the statement made by White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders on June 8.

When you are obligated to defend your president in this manner, it is a sign that things are not going smoothly.

James Comey’s testimony before the Senate on June 8 did little to reassure Trump and his entourage.

The former FBI director portrayed the president as a liar.

He also said that the president tried to convince him to halt the investigation into Michael Flynn, a former national security advisor.

The investigation has not been interrupted. And Donald Trump, as we know, fired James Comey.

Comey stated that “… the endeavor was to change the way the Russia investigation was being conducted. That is a very big deal.”

How can you dispute that? The last American president who tried to disrupt the progress of an investigation was Richard Nixon, and he ended up resigning.

It should be noted that Donald Trump, luckily for him, did not go so far as to explicitly ask James Comey to halt the most significant investigation, the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election.

But one thing is certain, Donald Trump is even weaker and less credible than he was before as a result of this testimony, except perhaps in the eyes of his most die-hard fans.

Of course, for the moment, it is James Comey’s word against Donald Trump’s. But in this little game, the two men are not starting on even footing.

The American president has proven to us time and time again that he has no qualms about lying through his teeth. The former big boss of the FBI, on the other hand, has the reputation of being a man of integrity.

Furthermore, some of his allegations can be verified. There is no doubt that Donald Trump was wooing him. In the space of a few months, he called him and met with him multiple times. One of these meetings was a private dinner between the two men, which is highly unusual. They had another meeting with no witnesses two weeks later, at the end of a meeting in the Oval Office. The president had asked his close associates to leave them alone in the room.

Indeed, even if everything Comey has said is true, none of it would come as a surprise. It would simply confirm once again that Donald Trump thinks that not only can he say and do anything, but also that he can influence anyone, by any means. Because he tells himself that he is so powerful that he will never suffer the consequences.

Suddenly, it seems that is perhaps not so true. Because this emperor has just been caught off guard, in a way, by a gladiator.

James Comey has thrown a bright light on Donald Trump’s behavior and fed doubts about his integrity. If the president was not the object of an investigation when he fired the former FBI director, he is now in the center of a storm.

It is worth noting that James Comey has not said much about links between Donald Trump’s entourage and the responsible parties in Russia. His testimony is only the tip of the iceberg.

Today, while an independent prosecutor and Congress investigate, it is difficult to see how the Trump administration can avoid the uncovering of the submerged part of the iceberg during the coming months.

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