Trump Runs Up against the Fourth Estate

Donald Trump has many faults, and one that can now be added to the list is his disregard for the press’ role as the “fourth estate,” or fourth branch of government, in any country governed by the rule of law. Though not officially established as such, the press joins with the legislative, judiciary and executive branches to guarantee the proper functioning of the system of freedoms — precisely the freedom that so disturbs the president of the United States, who has declared journalists “enemies of the people.” Trying to mix public interests with personal interests is more typical of dictators. That’s why the umpteenth bit of nonsense from the business magnate turned politician has provoked cross-party outrage in all of American society, except among the president’s die-hard supporters, who applaud all of his inappropriate comments.

The outrage, however, has turned into action, and 300 media outlets have formed a common front against the president’s attacks. In response to a call by The Boston Globe, hundreds of newspapers, big and small, have joined an initiative that aims to defend the freedom of the press and remind readers that this is a sacred value in the United States. This time Trump has picked an enemy that’s too powerful. Over the course of American history, the press has proven itself to offer a great service to the people, even going against the resident of the White House when this person has shown himself to be unworthy of his position. By turning journalists into an opposition party, Trump is mixing up everyone’s roles and scorning journalists’ watchdog function. They’re required to respect ethical norms, but at the same time, they don’t deserve to see someone try to strip them of their duties and their prestige.

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