Iran Is, and Will Remain, American

Even if the mullahs fall, Iran will transform into a liberal Persia carried forward by the melodies of global Zionism, led by Gugush.*

Iranian Islam: a sectarian religion in mourning for a fallen empire, whose swords once shattered the blades of the Arabs …

The political decision-makers in Washington, D.C., will never permit the fall of the Iranian regime and end the absurd situation in our Arab countries. Everything we see today in the media, all the volleys launched from Washington and Tehran, will fail to move beyond a war of words. Indeed, it is instead an attempt to oust Tehran’s current leadership in favor of its own “American mullahs.”

If America is only keen on Israel’s security, Iran will give them that, in return for being allowed to carry out its orgy of devastation in the region. The ultimate goal of the Iranians is to destroy the Arabs and Islam.

Without a doubt, Iran today, given its undeclared cooperation with Israel, and with U.S. planning, has taken important steps to strengthen its military presence in the Middle East. Iran considers the Arabian Gulf region as the heart of the world and the main theater of Iranian power. Accordingly, it considers itself a central strategic player in setting the security framework within the region.

So, suppose we treat Iran’s hostility to Israel with suspicion. Perhaps one can see a demonic scheme at play, one that requires a war between the two in order to bring catastrophic consequences upon our lands and people. It should go without saying that Iran will never actually attack Israel or dare provoke the anger of America and Western Zionists.

U.S.-Iranian relations have long been the subject of considerable controversy for many scholars and public figures. This suspicious relationship, which has puzzled the world and produced a variety of reactions over the years, has nevertheless nearly been universally considered to have only one plausible outcome—the fall of the Iranian regime. Some have even ventured so far as to speculate about the timing of the regime change. But here is the truth: the dynamics of the conflict between Washington and Tehran are all about turning the wheels of the weapons industry and controlling the region’s oil.

One can read the political situation like a storm on the ocean. On the surface, enormous waves crash into each other. But in the depths underneath, the fish swim along in calmer waters.

It is easy to misread the situation given the series of complex actions and hidden interests at play. The most serious errors come from miscalculating or simply ignoring the historical dynamics at work. To assess U.S.-Iranian relations via the media war between Washington and Tehran is to make this mistake. In reality, what is happening beneath the surface is 90% of the real story, while only 10% is visible. Too often, we interpret policy only from the outcome and not the context in which it occurred.

The historical fact we must recognize is this: the conflict between the Arab countries and Iran cannot be resolved because the scheme put in place requires deliberate implementation in phases. This plan includes the expansion of Iranian intervention in the Arab countries through wars orchestrated by global powers with an interest in the region. That is to say, we can consider Iran to be the tool of an international political and military project.

It is with this in mind that we must recognize the historical circumstances in which we have seen, and still see, heated conflict between the Arabs and the Persians. If we are to determine the value and weight of Iran’s geopolitical and strategic influence globally and regionally, we must not ignore the trend in the shift of international policy and the balance of power. The issue of U.S.-Iranian relations and their consequences for the Middle East in general and for Arab countries in particular, will continue to play out among different groups of people torn apart by sectarian and doctrinal division. These people will continue to suffer from injustice, poverty and tyranny that provide the opportunity for the plans and schemes which are made at the expense of their right to exist.

On the other hand, Iran’s allies (or the gullible) may believe that Iran has ascended to the rank of superpower, and that America and its allies have failed to protect the security of the Gulf. The Persian alternative might be a safer bet for maintaining order in the region. But Iran’s allies forget that Iran has been spared true punishment by the world’s superpowers and have received allowances so it can play an outsized regional role. The result is that it only seems as if Iran dictating the rules of the game.

There can be no doubt that Iran is the enemy of Arabs and Islam in general. To be perfectly clear, Iranian Islam in its entirety is simply Safavid heritage dressed up as loyalty to Imam Ali, peace be upon him. Nothing more than that.

As was noted in the introduction, Iranian Islam is a sectarian religion longing for a long lost glorious past in defiance of the Arabs. How could the architects of the Zionist project possibly ignore the fact that this religious contradiction is imbued with the nationalistic hatred of Khomenei, which surpasses even Zionism itself in its hostility towards Arabs? Could they possibly have failed to plan and coordinate with those who share their goal of destroying the Arabs? Of course, this coordination is indeed carried out with the treachery, banditry, and immoral policies shared by Iran and America regionally and globally.

Anyone can gather more information on this topic by reviewing the Iran Jet files, WikiLeaks documents, the secret terms of the Iran nuclear agreement and the highly secret agreement Mahmoud Ahmadinejad signed with Joe Biden in Baghdad. In exchange for the U.S. surrender in Iraq, Iran promised to protect U.S. interests in the country following the withdrawal of American troops. It then allowed the country’s demographics to change, and struck the Iraqi resistance on behalf of America under the guise of “counterterrorism.”

So, in the end, is there any doubt left that Iran’s hatred of Israel is merely a wave on the water’s surface?

*Editor’s note: Gugush is a popular Iranian singer.

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