Kuwaitis Warn Iran; Hint at American Attack
While not mentioning the United States by name, the implication of this op-ed from Kuwait's Arab-language Alwatan newspaper is crystal clear: If Iran closes the vital Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf States will have Washington deal with Iran just as it dealt with Saddam, 'leaving nothing but a memory behind.'
By Mubarak bin Shafi
Translated By Aja Ishmael
February 20, 2005
Kuwait - Original
Article (Arabic)
One of the Planet's Most Vital Waterways, the Strait of Hormuz
Has Iran on One Side,
and the Gulf States of the United Arab Emirates,
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the Other.
threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz if subjected to military attack or if
international sanctions are imposed. According to an Iranian official,
"Insecurity will spread everywhere!"
Strait of Hormuz is the gateway connecting the Gulf region with the rest of the
world. Between 20 and 30 oil tankers travel through the Strait every day, and according
to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, every ship has the
right of passage through the Strait
as long as it doesn't pose a threat to the security or violate statutes of the coastal States.
But Iran,
which is still in the process of developing a nuclear weapon, believes that it
alone is entitled to the Strait, (which is named for one of its legendary
leaders), and that it has the right to decide to close the Strait whenever it pleases
- regardless of the interests of its Arab neighbors stretching along the other
bank of the Gulf!
The Arab
Gulf States, which have yet to come to an agreement with Iran over the disputed
sovereignty of three Gulf islands, are signatories to international treaties [including
the Law of the Sea] and are constantly striving to achieve security and
stability for themselves and the region as a whole. These States cannot accept
any situation in which the Strait is closed, and will never cease using all
means to protect their security, stability and economic strength.
If the
regime in Tehran has any doubts of the ability of the Gulf States as far as
that goes, then it better read history well! Not distant history, but recent
history, which dealt with a regime called the Baath regime [Iraq] - a regime
that weighed heavily on Iraq's chest and represented a clear threat to its
neighbors. That regime was wiped out - leaving nothing but a memory behind.
Jaam-e Jam 2 TV, Iran: Excerpts from Speech By Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Which Aired on February 11, 2006, 00:06:42 MEMRI
"As far as the Great Satan [the U.S.] is concerned, it is permissible to harm the honor of the divine prophets, but it is a crime to ask questions about the myth of the Holocaust, and about how the false regime occupying Palestine came into being."
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Arabic Version Below
التهديد الإيراني!!
ايران باغلاق مضيق هرمز اذا ما تعرضت لهجوم عسكري او فرضت عليها عقوبات دولية، وقال أحد مسؤوليها: ان انعدام الأمن سيمتد الى كل المنطقة!!
ومضيق هرمز هذا هو بوابة اتصال منطقة الخليج بالعالم، حيث يعبره يوميا من عشرين الى ثلاثين ناقلة نفط، وهو على وفق القانون الدولي جزء من اعالي البحار، لكل السفن الحق والحرية في المرور فيه ما دام لا يضر بسلامة الدول الساحلية او يمس نظامها او امنها.
لكن ايران، التي ما زالت تطور سلاحها النووي ولم تمتلكه الى الان، ترى ان هذا المضيق المسمى باسم احد زعمائها الاسطوريين حق خالص لها، وفي استطاعتها متى شاءت ان تغلقه دون النظر لمصالح جاراتها العربيات الممتدات على الضفة الاخرى من الخليج!!
دول الخليج العربية، التي لم تنه مسألة الجزر الثلاث مع ايران، والداخلة في اتفاقات دولية، والساعية دوما وابدا لتحقيق الامن والاستقرار لها وللمنطقة، لا يمكن ان تقبل باي حال من الاحوال باغلاق مضيق هرمز، ولن تتخاذل ابدا عن استخدام كل الوسائل للحفاظ على امنها واستقرارها وتفوقها الاقتصادي.
واذا كان النظام الحاكم في طهران يشكك في قدرة دول الخليج على ذلك، فما عليه الا ان يقرأ التاريخ جيدا! ليس التاريخ البعيد، وانما القريب، الذي كان فيه نظام يسمى البعث، يجثم على صدر العراق، ويمثل تهديدا صارخا للجيران، ثم صار أثراً بعد عين.