Correo del Caroni, Venezuela
Not an American Invasion; But a Cuban One!

By Alberto Lopez

Translated By Harry Kenneth Echevarria

June 13, 2006
Venezuela - Correo del Caroni - Home Page (Spanish)    

Has President Hugo Chavez sold out his country to Fidel Castro?


Twice during the 1960s, Cuban President Fidel Castro attempted to invade Venezuela for its oil (The Carupanazo and the Portocabellazo), and was repelled by means of bullets. During those attempted invasions, many members of the Venezuelan military died in combat. Such facts should prove sobering and trigger deep reflection on the part of high ranking [Venezulan] military officials in Caracus.

[Editor's Note: The Carupanazo and Portocabellazo is in reference to two attempted communist coups that took place in Venezuela, one on May 4, 1962, and the other on June 2 of the same year. The author alleges that Castro was behind these, and that they were invasions. No references to Castro's involvement could be found, in either Spanish or English].

Oddly, what Mr. Castro could not achieve by force, he is now obtaining without firing a shot, because President Chavez is allowing it to happen.

Let me explain: currently here in Venezuela, there are approximately 70,000 Cuban combatants disguised as doctors, sports trainers, and military, cultural, and educational advisers.

Why has there been boozing and partying amongst Cuban and Venezuelan soldiers at Fort Tiuna? Why isn't Mr. Castro being questioned by our military, when it is clear that we are quietly surrendering our sovereignty to him? When Mr. Chavez speaks about our freedom, this is a lie. We can say this, because no one should voluntarily surrender control of the nation's educational and health care systems, regardless of what one calls such a move. When you add to this the services of public notaries and the issuance of identification cards for another 30,000 Cuban personnel for a total of 100,000 by December, this is treason.

The only thing missing from Mr. Castro's invasion plan is for President Chavez to give him full military command, because the weapons for the Cubans have already begun to arrive - some 30,000 of the same rifle as the Cuban military uses. [Venezuela has ordered 100,000 Kalashnikov AK-47 automatic rifles from Russia, and is opening a Kalashnikov factory].

Why does Chavez so insistently denounce the Gringo [American] invasion? The answer is simple: in order to buy weapons for the Cubans, a good reason must be given. What better reason that a gringo invasion?

While Chavez warns us that the gringos are coming through the door, the Cubans are already inside. Whatever else may be just around the corner, it isn't a gringo invasion. Because the purpose of all this is to keep Chavez in power, and what I want to call to the attention of my countrymen, is that a Venezuelan soldier will not raise his weapon to massacre his own people, but a Cuban would put a bullet through the forehead of any Venezuelan that fails to accept our nation as a Cuban colony.

Meanwhile, Chavez keeps shouting that the Americans want him killed, but he neither breaks off diplomatic relations nor stops selling them oil, because with the dollars of the Empire, Cuba is financed, weapons are purchased for them, infrastructure projects are built in other countries, and money is also given to corrupt officials that Chavez ensures cannot be touched, even by the pedal of a rose. All of this revolves around gringophobia.

A graduating class of Cuban doctors: ready to kill for Fidel?


What is in store for the Venezuelan people? Gringotherapy on Sundays and the pregnancy of birds.

[Gringotherapy on Sundays is a reference Chavez' Sunday TV and radio show, Hello, Mr. President. The reference to the pregnancy of birds [pajaritos prenados] is an expression that means to keep your ideas to yourself.]

In any case, those that see the Cuban combatants in their neighborhoods dressed as doctors, may soon see them not with a syringe in their hand, but rather a gun: Ferocious soldiers armed to the teeth to defend what Chavez has given to Fidel, in an act of treason against the mother country.

Our sovereignty remains, but we should watch carefully what happens next.

Spanish Version Below

La Invasión No Es "Gringa", Es Cubana

Alberto López

June 13, 2006

En los años 60 Fidel Castro trató de invadir a Venezuela en dos oportunidades por su petróleo y fue repelido a plomo (Carupanazo y Portocabellazo). En este intento de invasión murieron militares venezolanos en cumplimiento del deber, lo cual tiene que llamar a la reflexión al alto mando militar venezolano.

 Lo que Fidel no pudo lograr a plomo, lo está logrando sin disparar un tiro gracias a que Chávez así lo ha querido y a continuación le explico por qué:

 En Venezuela ya tenemos aproximadamente 70 mil combatientes cubanos disfrazados de médicos, de entrenadores deportivos, de asesores educativos, culturales y militares. ¿Por qué las sampableras que se presentan en el Fuerte Tiuna entre militares cubanos y venezolanos? Porque existen militares venezolanos institucionales que no se le han sentado en las piernas a Fidel Castro y saben del peligro que nos acecha por la virtual entrega de la soberanía venezolana en una forma silenciosa a Cuba. Cuando Chávez habla de que somos libres es una mentira, porque quien entrega el sistema de salud y educativo a un país extranjero llámese como se llame, entrega la soberanía y si a esto le sumamos los servicios de identificación y notarías que le permitirá la entrada de otros 30 mil para cumplir 100 mil para diciembre, podemos decir que esto es una traición a la patria. A Fidel lo único que le falta es que Chávez entregue los mandos militares, porque las armas para los cubanos ya están llegando. Treinta mil del mismo modelo que usa el ejército cubano.

 ¿Por qué Chávez anuncia la invasión "gringo" con tanta insistencia? Muy fácil: para comprar armas para los cubanos tiene que existir un argumento, y no hay mejor argumento que la invasión "gringa". Mientras Chávez nos dice que los "gringos" entrarán por una puerta, ya los cubanos están aquí. Lo que está a la vuelta de la esquina no es la invasión "gringa". Porque la misión es mantener a Chávez en el poder aunque sea a plomo y es por eso que quiero llamar a la reflexión a algunos compatriotas para que entiendan que un soldado venezolano no se levantará en armas para masacrar su pueblo, pero uno cubano le dará un tiro en la frente a cualquier venezolano que no acepte que Venezuela sea una colonia cubana.

 Chávez vive diciendo que los "gringos" lo quieren matar y que lo quieren tumbar, pero ni rompe relaciones ni deja de venderle petróleo, porque con los dólares del imperio se financia a Cuba, se compra armamentos para cubanos, se construyen obras para otros países y también hay para los corruptos que dice Chávez tener en el gobierno y no los toca ni con el pétalo de una rosa. ¿Qué queda para el pueblo venezolano? Solo queda "gringoterapia" dominguera y pajaritos preñados. En todo caso, los que ven a los combatientes de barrio adentro como médicos luego los verán no con una jeringa, sino con un fusil en la mano como feroces soldados armados hasta los dientes para defender lo que Chávez le entregó a Fidel en un acto de traición a la patria. Nuestra soberanía, amanecerá y veremos.