El Tiempo,
Colombian President as Deceitful as Bush
Translated By Halszka Czarnocka
September 10, 2006
Colombia - El Tiempo - Original Article (Spanish)
Two peas in a deceitful pod? President Alvaro Uribe (left) and President George W. Bush.
No matter
how hard you try to hide it, the truth always manages to emerge. This has just
happened to the lonely President Bush, just five years after the attacks on the
Twin Towers and his declaration of war on terror. His administration has been
caught in several lies fabricated to legitimate invasions of countries like
Iraq, which was invaded due to the abundance of energy resources there. This has turned these nations into terrorist enclaves, which had never been the case. A U.S. Senate
committee just announced that all the reasons cited by the Bush Administration
for invading Iraq were nothing more than crude shams. It is anything but true that
Osama bin Laden had ties to Saddam Hussein - any expert in this subject would
have been able to tell them that the two were sworn enemies. Nor was it true
that Iraq was a threat to the United States as President Bush has asserted a thousand times, since it had no secret nuclear or
biological weapons program.
These truths for the first time have put the Bush-Cheney pair in a serious jam,
and on the prowl for some unsuspecting soul to blame for the fraud, before the water
in their swamp of lies rises above their necks.
And why
do I bring up this episode that is now roiling North American society? Because
there is an unmistakable analogy between Bush's war on terror and the war on
terror declared by our President Uribe against FARC [Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia ] four years ago.
To begin
with, in an undeniably suspicious coincidence, at the very moment that the lies
fabricated to legitimize the Iraq invasion were exposed – in Colombia we began to learn about deceptions
committed by the Army to prop-up its war against FARC. Deceptions, by the way,
which are not isolated incidents, as Minister of Defense Juan Manuel Santos
insists, but rather a recurring theme, which should worry the strategists
of this war, if indeed it has any.
Carlos Castano, top leader of the United Self-Defense Forces of
Colombia, or AUC, in 2001. One of of the nation's most powerful
and feared men, his corpse was recently dug up from a shallow
grave. He dissapeared two years ago. (above)
The remains of Carlos Castano, Colombian paramilitary
leader recently dug up from a shallow grave. (below).
months ago, the country was surprised to learn that an operative of Colombian
Security Services [DAS ] faked two attempts on the life of his own President
Uribe, which were presented as attacks by the FARC. The same happened when
reports surfaced during Dr. J.Noguera's tenure as DAS Director, some of which suggested that paramilitary groups [right-wing groups opposed to the
left-wing FARC] helped in the war against the FARC and provided tips to public officials.
On another occasion, false information was leaked that a portion of the FARC was
about to demobilize, and as a peace offering, the FARC was offering to donate an aircraft. Soon later we learned that the information
was fabricated to create the impression amongst the public that the FARC, contrary
to the group's public statements, wanted to demobilize.
Up to now,
President Uribe has managed to emerge unscathed from his mistakes and has had
the ingenuity to be linked to his triumphs alone. He has managed to avoid the
blame for what has happened in the Army, although it is well known that in his
obsession to wage war on the FARC, he imposed the rule that results must be obtained regardless of the methods: if you can boast of a positive outcome, it doesn't matter how you
achieve it.
He also disassociated himself from
corruption in the Police, and from events surrounding the Superintendent of
Notaries and Registries, even though the person in charge is a very close
friend of his. Nor, of course, has Uribe been marred by the events at Ralito [where
peace talks were held between the government and paramilitary forces], even if
this peace process is another product of the assumption under which [Colombia's]
war against terrorism has been waged: that one must seek an alliance with the devil
himself - even with drug traffickers - in order
to eliminate that scourge. All of this can be summed up with one phrase: the
end justifies the means. It will be a grave setback if a few years down the
road, this strategy ends up strengthening the FARC and the drug cartels. As for Bush, even the Taliban are resurgent.
Spanish Version Below
La guerra de los montajes
Septiembre 10 de 2006 - DE BUSH A
Por más que se intente ocultar, la verdad siempre se las ingenia para
salir a flote. Eso acaba de sucederle al presidente Bush a solo cinco años de haber declarado la guerra contra el terrorismo, tras el
atentado a las Torres Gemelas. Su administración ha sido cogida en varias
mentiras, las cuales habrían sido prefabricadas para legitimar invasiones a
países como Irak, debido a su gran preponderancia
energética, convirtiéndolos en enclaves del terrorismo, cuando en realidad no
lo eran. Un comité del Senado norteamericano ha dicho
que todas las razones que invocó la administración Bush para invadir a Irak no
son más que burdos montajes. No era cierto que Osama ben Laden estuviera
relacionado con Saddam Hussein -cualquier experto en el tema hubiera podido
decirles que en realidad eran enemigos-; tampoco era cierto que Irak fuera una
amenaza para E.U., porque nunca tuvo un programa
clandestino de armas nucleares y biológicas, como lo afirmó una y mil veces el
presidente Bush. Estas verdades tienen por primera vez en serios aprietos a la
dupleta Bush-Cheney, quienes andan buscando a algún
incauto para echarle la culpa, antes de que el agua les llegue al cuello.
¿Y por
qué traigo a colación este episodio que hoy conmueve a
la sociedad norteamericana? Pues porque no hay duda de que entre la guerra
contra el terrorismo de Bush y la guerra contra el terrorismo que Uribe les
declaró a las Farc hace ya cuatro años hay una analogía inevitable. Para
comenzar: no deja de ser una coincidencia sospechosa que en momentos en que en
los Estados Unidos se revelan las mentiras que se fabricaron para legitimar la
invasión a Irak, considerada hoy como un estruendoso
fiasco, aquí también se empiecen a conocer los montajes que se han hecho en el
Ejército al amparo de la guerra contra las Farc. Montajes que, dicho sea de
paso, no son un caso aislado, como insiste en
presentarlo el ministro de Defensa, Juan Manuel Santos, sino una constante que
debería preocupar a los estrategas de esta guerra, si es que los tiene.
Hace unos
meses, el país se sorprendió con la noticia de que un funcionario del DAS fabricó atentados contra el propio presidente Uribe y
fueron presentados como de las Farc. Lo mismo sucedió con las denuncias que se
hicieron bajo la dirección del doctor Noguera en el
DAS, algunas de las cuales sugerían que grupos paramilitares ayudaban a la
guerra contra las Farc y les daban los positivos a los funcionarios públicos.
Otro tanto ocurrió cuando se filtró la información falsa de que una columna de
las Farc se iba a desmovilizar, aportando como dote un
avión. Poco después se descubrió que la noticia era un montaje para crear un efecto en la opinión nacional de que las Farc, contrario a
lo que decían, sí se querían desmovilizar.
ahora, el presidente Uribe ha conseguido salir bien librado de sus errores y se
las ha ingeniado para reportar como suyos únicamente
los triunfos. Se las ha ingeniado para no asumir la responsabilidad de lo que
sucede en el Ejército, a pesar de que es bien sabido que en su obsesión por
hacer la guerra contra las Farc impuso la premisa de que lo importante eran los
resultados y no los métodos con que se conseguían los positivos; también se las
arregló para no tener que ver con los casos de corrupción en la Policía, ni con
lo que sucede en la Superintendencia de Notariado y Registros, a pesar de que
quien estaba al mando era una persona muy allegada suya; ni, desde luego, con
lo que sucede en Ralito, no obstante que este proceso de paz también es
producto de una premisa sobre la cual se ha librado la guerra contra el
terrorismo: la que dice que hay que aliarse hasta con el diablo para acabar con
ese flagelo, incluso con sectores del narcotráfico. Pero todo sea porque el fin
justifica los medios. Lo grave sería que al cabo de unos años esta estrategia
solo haya servido para fortalecer a las Farc y a los narcos. A
Bush le están resurgiendo hasta los talibanes.