Kim Jong-il Regime 'Explains' Its Impending Nuclear Test

Why has the Kim Jong-il dictatorship decided to test a nuclear weapon? According to this statement issued by that nation's tightly-controlled state media, the regime claims that American attempts to bring down the 'socialist system chosen by the people themselves' has left the North Korean leadership no choice.

October 3, 2006

North Korea - Korean News - Home Page (English)    

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il: Short
of cash and feeling the pinch of global
sanctions, he seems prepeared to roll
the nuclear dice. (above).

—BBC VIDEO: North Korea says it will
be 'compelled' to hold a nuclear test
'in the future, Oct. 4, 00:03:12

South Koreans rally in Seoul after North Korea's
announcment of plans for a nuclear test. (below).


Pyongyang: The Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea issued the following statement Tuesday, solemnly clarifying the DPRK's stand on the newest measure to be taken to bolster its defensive war deterrent:

America's increasing and daily nuclear threats and its vicious sanctions and pressure have created a grave situation on the Korean Peninsula. This threatens and infringes upon the supreme interests and security of our State, and is the reason that the Korean nation stands at the crossroads of life and death.

Since it made a de-facto "declaration of war" against the DPRK by its brigandish adoption of a U.N. Security Council resolution, the American military exercises and its arms build-up on the Peninsula have become ever-more frantic, as it positions itself to officially launch a second Korean War

At the same time it is desperately attempting to internationalize the sanctions and blockade against North Korea, by using every dastardly method available. This is being done in a foolish attempt to isolate and stifle the DPRK economically to bring down the socialist system chosen by its people themselves.

The Bush Administration has gone to great lengths to set an ultimatum that would punish North Korea if it refuses to yield within a timetable set by the U.S. Under the present circumstances, with the U.S. moving to isolate and stifle the DPRK, North Korea can no longer remain a mere onlooker.

The DPRK has already declared that it would take all necessary countermeasures to defend the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of the nation from the Bush Administration's vicious hostile actions.

In connection with the new measure to be taken to bolster its war deterrence, the North Korean Foreign Ministry is authorized to solemnly declare as follows:

Firstly, the DPRK's scientific researchers will in the future conduct a nuclear test under conditions that will firmly guarantee safety.

The DPRK was compelled to pull out of the Nucler Non-Proliferation Treaty when the present U.S. administration threatened the DPRK's sovereignty and right to exist, and scrapped the previously agreed DPRK-U.S. Framework.

After going through a transparent and legitimate process and to cope with the escalating U.S. nuclear threat, sanctions and pressure, North Korea has already officially announced that it has manufactured up-to-date nuclear weapons.

The previously declared possession of nuclear weapons presupposes a nuclear test.

The overarching American threats of nuclear war, sanctions and pressure compel the DPRK to conduct a nuclear test, which is essential for bolstering its nuclear deterrent and as a corresponding measure for defense.

Secondly, the DPRK will never authorize a first use of nuclear weapons, but will strictly prohibit any nuclear weapons threat or nuclear transfers.

Any people without a reliable war deterrent is bound to meet a tragic death, and the sovereignty of their nation is bound to be wantonly infringed upon. This is a bitter lesson taught to us by the bloodshed that has resulted from the law of the jungle that reigns in many parts of the world.

North Korea's nuclear weapons will serve as reliable deterrent for protecting the supreme interests of the state and the security of the Korean nation from the threat of U.S. aggression. They will serve to avert a new war and to safeguard the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula - under any circumstances.

As a responsible nuclear weapons state, the DPRK will always sincerely implement its international commitments in the field of nuclear non-proliferation.

Thirdly, the DPRK will do its utmost to realize the denuclearization of the Peninsula and assist in achieving global nuclear disarmament and ultimately, the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.

For over half a century, North Korea has been exposed to American nuclear threats and blackmail. And during that time, it was the first to propose and strive for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

But the United States chose to abuse the idea of denuclearization set out by North Korea, systematically disregarding its magnanimity and sincerity, and instead sought to stifle an ideology and system chosen by its people.

The ultimate goal of the DPRK is not "denuclearization" to be followed by unilateral disarmament. The goal is an end to the hostility that has characterized relations between North Korea and the United States by removing the very source of the nuclear threat from the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity.

There has been no change in the principled stand of the DPRK, to materialize the denuclearization of the peninsula through dialogue.

Despite all challenges and difficulties, the DPRK will without fail continue its efforts to denuclearize the Peninsula.