Kurdish Media,
Northern Iraq
Baker Report 'Immersed in Immorality'
"And now that relic Baker returns from the dregs of the Cold War and the furnace of Arab oil to reward murderers, pacify fascists and say goodbye to everything that America stands for.”
By Dr. Fereydun Hilmi
December 10, 2006
Iraq - Kurdish Media - Original Article (English)
The art of the deal: James A. Baker III is coming under fire for
selling out American principles for the sake withdrawing from
Iraq's unlpeasantness.
—C-SPAN VIDEO NEWS: Bush 'accepts' the report
from the Iraq Study Group, Dec. 6, 00:03:14
—BBC NEWS VIDEO: President Bush meets with
Congressional leaders to mull over the report from
the Iraq Study Group, Dec. 7, 00:01:40
[LATEST NEWS PHOTOS: Iraq Study Group].
The report from the Iraq Study Group: Reaction to it shows it is
one of the most momentous such reports ever put together.
Lee Hamilton, George Bush and
James Baker: Is this just a sell-out?
British Prime Minister Tony Blair on a satellite link-up with the
co-chairs of the Iraq Study Group, James Baker and Lee Hamilton,
on Nov. 14.
'Saddam, 2003 ... Bush, 2006' [Al-Ayyam, Yemen].
'Saddam, 2003 (right) ... United States, 2006' (left)
[Alquds Alarabi, U.K.].
Baker-Hamilton report is being touted as the most serious review yet and a blueprint
for American policy in the Middle East. It is not, and it must not be taken as
such, because above all it is immersed in immorality. It is immoral not just in
the Machiavellian sense of ends justifying the means, but it is immoral in its
ends and in its distortion of reality, and it portrays those ends as realistic,
logical and inevitable.
If the United
States decides to implement the Baker agenda for the Middle East, it will mean
the end of the U.S. morally, ideologically and politically, and it will put it
in a much weaker position militarily. This 21st century will be a century of
American shame, humiliation, retreat and decline. Baker looks at Iraq through
the exaggerated prism al-Qaeda and the other Islamic fascists, Sunni Baath
murderers and those who enjoy nothing more than killing American soldiers massacring
helpless women and children who want nothing more than a normal life in a free
society that respects their human rights.
The Baker
report portrays Iraq as a hell created by the American invasion, and that can be
redeemed only if the U.S. leaves Iraq and reverses all that the Iraqi peoples
have achieved in terms of democracy, a constitutional state and civil society. The
principles of freedom, human rights, self determination, government by the
people, non-intervention in the legitimate democratic processes of others, the
global battle against murderous evil terrorism and despotism, etc. - essentially
the heart of the American Constitution, the U.N. Charter and international law
- mean nothing to Baker and his pro-junta group.
And what
does Baker tell the Kurds? Sorry guys, we don’t know what morality, alliance,
friendship, honesty, etc. means. These are words that have no references in our
dictionary of politics. Come on, join al-Qaeda and Ansar-Islam fascists read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansar_al-Islam]
and train your fatherless Anfal children to be suicide bombers, blowing up our
soldiers and your own children, them we might think again and include you in
our realpolitik.
Note: The author's reference to "fatherless Anfal children" is in
reference to the Al Anfal Campaign, which was an anti-Kurdish crackdown conducted
by Saddam during and after the Iran-Iraq War in 1988-89. Independent sources
estimate 50,000-100,000 deaths; the Kurds claim about 182,000
people were killed READ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anfal ].
How far down
can people go with their brutal biases and devilish dishonesty? Iraq is not so
desperate. It is still 80-percent-democratic success. It is the United States itself
that has undermined every successful democratic achievement - from democratic
elections and democratic government to a popularly supported democratic
constitution, to the democratic will of the majority (over 80 percent) to opt
for a federal non-centralized democratic government structure that would take
into accounts the historical, geographical and cultural peculiarities of the Iraqi
With every
inch of democratic progress the fascists have intensified the violence, knowing
full well that American success in Iraq is America’s success in the world, and
that American failure in Iraq means its failure in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Darfur, Somalia and even in New York and Washington.
Yet in
stead of - as they once proclaimed – "staying the course" and
empowering Iraqis to establish security, a democratic system and a stable
economic infrastructure to buttress it, at every turn the Americans have made
concessions to Iraq's Sunni fascists through their representatives in other
parts of the so-called Arab world [Saudi Arabia, Pakistan], encouraging them to
indulge in even more brutal violence.
And now that
relic Baker returns from the dregs of the Cold War and the furnace of Arab oil
to reward murderers, pacify fascists and kiss goodbye everything that America
stands for in terms of morality, rationalism and democratic principles.
This man
has no respect for the blood of America’s soldiers in Iraq or anywhere else. He
doesn't know the meaning of humanity, fairness and friendship. He is an
anachronistic relic. Let him enjoy his Arabism as such.