Neike, Paraguay
Bush Failures Embolden Iran

By Isaac Bigio

Translated By Carly Gatzert

September 1, 2006
Paraguay - Neike - Home Page (Spanish)

President Bush explains to a crowd in Atlanta how
he is 'fixing' the problems' exposed by Sept. 11.

C-SPAN VIDEO: President Bush discusses the Geneva Conventions,
the War on Terror, and admits to secret CIA prisons, at a White House
press conference, Sept. 6, 00:38:26 RealVideo


When Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, he also wanted to frighten Iran (which is situated between these two nations). After the 1979 revolution, Iran became Washington’s greatest Middle East adversary. Since the late nineties, however, it has shown signs of edging closer to the West, and stood behind initial Anglo-American victories in Afghanistan (2001) and Baghdad (2003).

The pro-Iran, Shiite militias in Afghanistan and Iraq integrated themselves into the new governments sponsored by Washington. Nevertheless, the growing Sunni resistance in both countries have put the Anglo-Americans on the defensive, and Teheran has been emboldened.

Iran has taken advantage of the fact that the United States demolished two of its top enemy governments, on its east (Afghanistan) and its west (Iraq), only to profit afterwards from dethroned Taliban and Pan-Arab efforts to undermine and paralyze the United States.

Ahmanidejad's election as Iranian president reflecting the strength of a particular wing of the ayatollahs, who believe that Iran should take advantage of Bush’s failures to transform itself into a regional and nuclear power.



WindowsVideoIRANIAN TV, Iran: Excerpts from a Friday sermon by Iranian Guardian Council Secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, September 1, 00:01:17, Via MEMRI

"If the Islamic countries act like Hizbullah, and stand up to America like men, America will be humiliated, just like Israel."

Iranian Guardian Council Secretary Jannati

Spanish Version Below

Irán envalentonado

por Isaac Bigio


Iran saco ventaja que EEUU derroco a dos gobiernos enemigos (Afganistan e Iraq) y luego que talibanes y panarabistas luchan contra EEUU. Fuente: NEIKE

Cuando Bush invadió Afganistán e Iraq también quiso asustar a Irán (quien está al medio de éstos). Desde la revolución de 1979 Irán ha sido el mayor adversario de EEUU en el Medio Oriente pero desde fines de los noventas Irán mostraba signos de acercamiento a Occidente, los mismos que se asentaron tras las iniciales victrias angloamericanas en Afganistan (2001) y Bagdad (2003).

Las milicias chiítas pro-Irán de Afganistán e Iraq se integraron a los nuevos gobiernos patrocinados por Washington. Sin embargo, a medida que ha ido creciendo la resistencia sunnita en ambos países y los anglo-americanos se han puesto a la defensiva, Teherán se ha envalentonado.

Irán ha sacado ventaja que primero EEUU derrocó a dos gobiernos enemigos suyos a su costado este (Afganistán) y oeste (Iraq) y luego que los talibanes y panarabistas derrocados han ido minando y paralizando a EEUU. Ahmanidejad fue electo presidente iraní reflejando un ala de los ayatolas que cree que se debe aprovechar la inacapacidad bushista para tornarse en potencia regional y nuclear.