The Nation, Pakistan
Republicans and Democrats 'Two Sides of Same Fake Jewish Coin'

Now that the scapegoat [Rumsfeld] has been sacrificed, the pressure is off and America's rapid descent into corporate fascism can continue.

By S.M. Hali*   

November 15, 2006
Pakistan - The Nation - Original Article (English)

Even a death sentence for Saddam failed
to move Americans to vote Republican.

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: The rise and fall of
Saddam Hussein, Nov. 6, 00:04:05RealVideo

RealVideo[SLIDE SHOW: Saddam].


Last week's U.S. midterm elections have given the Democrats control of the House and one-vote supremacy in the U.S. Senate. The fallout of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were bound to take a toll on Republicans, and even Saddam Hussein's expedited death sentence failed to move voters.

In the words of Robert Fisk, "America's one-time ally has been sentenced to death for war crimes he committed when he was Washington's best friend in the Arab world. America knew all about his atrocities and even supplied the gas - along with the British, of course RealVideo."

Let us examine the aftermath of the U.S. elections in the context of our own region.

Andrew Winkler, Editor/Publisher of ZioPedia [An anti-Zionist site], on November 8, commented: "Yesterday's election does more harm than anything. It is designed to make the American sheep feel good about themselves and not interfere with what their criminal leaders have in store RealVideo."

Yesterday's election improves nothing. Since Iraq was meant to end in horror and despair all along, Rumsfeld had to go anyway. Now that the scapegoat has been sacrificed, the pressure is off and America's rapid descent into corporate fascism can continue. (He is to be replaced by former CIA Director Robert Michael Gates RealVideo, who played important roles in the Iran-Contra affair RealVideo, which may impede his confirmation). Yesterday's election will provide the neocons with the excuse they need to "pull the plug" and divide Iraq as they always intended to do. Best of all, they can blame the Democrats for it. Turkey will get the Kurds, Iran the Shiites and "Eretz Yisroel" [the Land of Israel] will stretch from the Euphrates to the Nile.

Yesterday's election will prove that there's no difference between Republicans and Democrats and that they are just two sides of the same fake Jewish coin. Bush himself wants to move on because the job in Iraq is done. Iran is next, and - make no mistake - the Democrats would be the last people to prevent that from happening. Israel has already signaled their willingness to take out Iran on its own. Brilliant masters of deception that they are, they will create a situation in which America is forced into yet another war for the Jews. Yesterday's election is a curse in disguise. We were handed a pain killer that won't help because we are suffering from a cancer. Worse, much worse is yet to come. Can't you hear the new Zionist battle-cry, "Next year in Tehran?"

Despite the changing of the guard from Republicans to Democrats, the slaughter in Palestine will continue. Israel's slaughter, fully supported by the neocons and most of the sitting members of Congress, wasn't even a campaign issue. Staunch support for Israel is a forgone conclusion.

Men carry the body of one-and-a-half year old Maram Al-Athamna,
after she was killed together with her family by an Israeli artillery
shell, at her funeral at Beit Hanoun, Nov. 9.

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: Israeli tank shells kill 18 innocents
'in their beds.' Israel expresses regret, Nov. 8, 00:01:51

—C-SPAN VIDEO: Palestinians hold funeral for the
18 killed in Gaza on Nov. 8, 00:01:33

The corpses of 18 people killed by Israeli
shells in Beit Hanoun, Gaza, Nov. 9. (below).

'Bush's use of the U.S. veto to shield Israeli massacres
and war crimes is drowning Lady Liberty.' [Al-Ayyam, Yemen].


Morton Skorodin, in his article The Fire Next Time RealVideo, comments; "The neoconservative Bush regime has actively destabilized the situation in a number of ways, including violations of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty by sharing advanced nuclear technology with India. It is also encouraging Japan to re-arm. Thirdly, it is funding militarization of space, including nuclear militarization. These three moves appear to be aiming at a prolonged and foolish Cold War with China."

It is apparent that in the near term, the damage done by pursuing such a policy cannot be undone. North Korea has already crossed the nuclear threshold, while Iran is on the verge of doing so because of the insecurity perpetrated by the neocons. The New York Times editorial of November 6 highlighted the mood of the voters: "After the revelations about the abuse, torture and illegal detentions in Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay, Congress shielded the Pentagon from any responsibility for the atrocities its policies allowed to happen. On the eve of the election, and without even a pretense at debate in the House, Congress granted the White House permission to hold hundreds of non-citizens in jail forever, without due process, even though many of them were clearly sent there in error."

The words of Albert Camus (1913-1960) ring true: "The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience."

Since Democrats traditionally favor them over Pakistan, India must be breathing easy. On the other hand, allies of the U.S. in its war against terror, [Afghan President] Hamid Karzai, [Iraqi Prime Minister] Al-Maliki, [Pakistan President] Pervez Musharraf and [King] Abdullah of the House of Saud are left holding their collective breath to see what the Democrats portend.

*Group Captain S.M. Hali has served in Pakistan Air Force for thirty years. During his air force career, he has flown over 4500 hours and worked on various command and staff appointments, which include the command of a squadron, duties as Air and Naval Attaché and Director Public Relations for PAF