How Hating Jews Transformed Into Hating Americans

Do left-wing groups hate Americans as an acceptable alternative to anti-Semitism? According to this op-ed article from Paraguay's Ultima Hora, this philosophy, which got its start as the scapegoating of Jews for all of the world's ills, has become the motivating ideal of Islamist and anti-democratic forces alike.

By Hugo Rubin

Translated by Emma Peitx Clúa

July 21, 2006
Paraguay - Ultima Hora - Home Page (Spanish)

Award winning cartoon from Syria, in an Iranian
contest to choose the best cartoon on 'Military
Occupation.' (above).

Another 'award winning' cartoon from Brazil,
in the same Iran-sponsored cartoon contest. (below).

'Israeli Zionists under U.S. cover: No Ceasefire!'

[Al-Khaleej, U.A.E.]. (above).

'The U.S. awards Arab rulers a diploma in submission.'

[Alhayat Aljadeeda, Palestine] (below).


After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the fundamental catchword of the surviving leftist regimes has been anti-Americanism. But this is recent. Historically, Europe has been anti-Semitic; a deceptive term since in reality we are talking of a phobia against Jews [the Arabs are also Semites]. Since the days of the New Testament during Roman times, blaming the Jews has been the preferred method of explaining all of the bad things that occur on this planet: we Hebrews live among you and we are alike, but we also have differences, that's why we are ideal for being chosen as scapegoats.

[Anti-Semitic has come to mean anti-Jewish, despite the fact that the word refers to peopel who speak the "Semitic" languages, which are Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, Akkadian, Hebrew, Maltese, Syriac, Tigrinya, and some other RealVideo].

After the World Wars, Europeans, Russians and American redrew the Middle East map, uniting ethnic groups, mixing sects, and anointing easily-controlled monarchies. In its beginnings, what has become Israel was colonized by people who were clear social idealists; that is why in the early years of independence, Israel was seen with affability by the entire Western world, and with deep hatred by its Muslim neighbors, who swore to never recognize the State of Israel and to eliminate the Jews from the region.

Now these theocratic dictatorships are ideal allies for all powers that want to fight the hegemony of the United States. Therefore, to be a true leftist is necessarily to hate North America and its main partner in the region, Israel. And hating Israel is the less grotesque way of being anti-Semitic and at the same time to hold a more refined opinion that is shared by Europeans.

A third of the member-states of the U.N. that are officially Muslim are not democracies and do not respect human rights; but these countries have a quarter of the world's population and territory, as well as the largest petroleum reserves. That explains why the largest number of U.N, [General Assembly] resolutions have been against Israel and not the governments that torture their opponents, maintain women in a state of slavery and mutilate their genital organs, execute homosexuals, don't allow freedom of religion or expression and harbor terrorist groups. It is illustrative that European governments and their supposed intellectuals, feminists and defenders of gay's rights, don't come out in defense of the only nation in the Middle East that agrees with the basic Western elements of coexistence.

It is important to emphasize that there are Israelis and Jews of every nationality who promote peace and the self-determination of the Palestinians, while not a single voice of protest is heard from any Islamic representative when terrorist attacks strike civilians in Israel. If there are only about 15 million Jews in the entire world, how can it be that 1.5 billion Muslims all seem to think in exactly the same way?

There is no justification for the deaths of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, just as there is no justifying the fact that they are used as human shields and that Islamic governments harbor terrorist groups. Israel has given up territory, has exchanged prisoners and has proposed peace, but has received only bombs and death. When leftists attack Israel just to be against the United States, they justify the cruel social injustices in the Islamic world, and the anti-modernity in which they [Muslims] remain mired because of its wealthy rulers. Negotiating with kidnappers is to surrender beforehand.

Why does Russia insist on crushing the Chechen separatists? Why does China keep Tibet? Why does England maintain Ulster? Why doesn't Spain give independence to the Basques? Why doesn't India withdraw from Kashmir? And finally, how would Brazil or Venezuela act if the FARC entered their territory to claim it?

[Editor's Note: The FARC is the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army, which is now in control of roughly 40% of Colombian territory RealVideo].

Spanish Version Below

Izquierda, cómplice del terrorismo

Por Hugo Rubin

Desde la caída del Muro de Berlín el lema fundamental de los regímenes de izquierda que sobrevivieron es ser antinorteamericano. Pero esto es reciente. Históricamente Europa es antisemita, término engañoso, ya que en realidad hablamos de judeofobia. Desde el Nuevo Testamento de los romanos, en adelante, el pueblo judío ha sido la mejor excusa para explicar todo lo malo que ocurre en el planeta: los hebreos estamos entre ustedes, somos parecidos, pero tenemos diferencias, por eso somos ideales para ser tomados como chivos expiatorios.

Después de las guerras mundiales, europeos, rusos y estadounidenses inventaron el mapa de Medio Oriente, uniendo etnias, mezclando sectas, ungiendo monarquías manejables. En sus inicios lo que hoy es Israel fue colonizada por idealistas claramente socialistas, por eso en sus primeros años de independencia fue vista con agrado por todo Occidente y con un profundo odio por parte de sus vecinos musulmanes, que juraron jamás reconocer el Estado de Israel y eliminar a los judíos de la región. Ahora esas dictaduras teocráticas son las aliadas ideales de toda potencia que quiera combatir con la hegemonía de Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto, para ser un verdadero izquierdista hay que odiar a Norteamérica y a su principal socio en la región, Israel. Y odiar a Israel es la manera menos grotesca de ser antisemita y al mismo tiempo parecer más culto por comulgar con criterios europeos.

Un tercio de los países miembros de la ONU son de religión oficial musulmana, no son democracias y no respetan los derechos humanos, pero tienen un cuarto de la población y el territorio mundial, así como las principales fuentes de petróleo. Eso explica que la mayor cantidad de resoluciones hayan recaído en Israel y no en gobiernos que torturan a opositores, mantienen a las mujeres en la esclavitud y mutilan sus órganos genitales, ejecutan a los homosexuales, no permiten la libertad de culto ni de expresión y solventan agrupaciones terroristas. Es llamativo que los gobiernos europeos y los supuestos intelectuales, feministas y defensores de los derechos de los gays no salgan en defensa de la única nación de Medio Oriente que está acorde con los criterios occidentales de convivencia. Es importante destacar que existen judíos de cualquier nacionalidad e israelíes que promueven la paz y la libre determinación de los palestinos, mientras que nunca se oye una sola voz de protesta de algún representante islámico cuando se realizan atentados terroristas contra civiles en Israel. Si solo hay unos 15 millones de judíos en todo el planeta ¿cómo puede ser que 1.500.000.000 de musulmanes piensen todos de la misma manera?

La muerte de civiles palestinos y libaneses no tiene justificación. Que sean usados como escudos humanos y que gobiernos islámicos solventen a las agrupaciones terroristas tampoco. Israel entregó territorios, canjeó prisioneros, propuso la paz, soo recibió bombas y muerte. Cuando los izquierdistas atacan a Israel con tal de estar en contra de Estados Unidos, están justificando las crueles diferencias sociales del mundo islámico y el oscurantismo en el que siguen a causa de sus opulentos líderes. Negociar con secuestradores es rendirse de antemano.

¿Por qué Rusia aplasta a los separatistas chechenos? ¿Por qué China conserva el Tibet? ¿Por qué Inglaterra mantiene el Ulster? ¿Por qué España no da su independencia a los vascos? ¿Por qué la India no se retira de Cachemira? Por último ¿cómo actuarían Brasil o Venezuela si las FARC ingresaran a su territorio para reivindicarlo?