Yemen Times, Yemen
Bush Team Loses Two of its Worst Public Servants

One really cannot help but wonder why it took so long. ... In any case, good riddance.

By Hassan Al-Haifi  

December 7 - December 10 Issue
Yemen - Original Article (English)    

'Neocon heads (Bolton and Rumsfeld) start flying ...
Who's next? How about Condi? What about Dick?'

[Al-Ayyum, Yemen]

'Democrats Shake Bush and Cheney ...
Rumsfeld and Bolton are gone.'

[Ad Dustour, Jordan]


Of course, no one feels any sadness or regret over the resignations of Donald Rumsfeld as U.S. Defense Secretary or the annoying John Bolton as acting U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. One might even say, in the case of Rumsfeld, "It's about time!"

For the mastermind of the two worst U.S. military escapades, one really cannot help but wonder why it took so long. Given the mess that is Iraq today and all of the fabulously-concocted reasons for executing this savage war, the observer is inclined to cite Donald Rumsfeld for being the worst-ever defense strategist – there is no one in his league.

The numbers tell the story: close to a million Iraqi dead (with an average of 120 to 150 more every day). Why and for whom? It certainly isn't in the interest of the Iraqis, since even U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has admitted that Iraq is now worse off than it was under Saddam Hussein Watch RealVideo.

In fact, Iraq has become so bad, that even the President of the United States was reluctant to stop over there on a trip he made recently, presumably to show that he's "on the ball" in Iraq. He held his meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nour Al-Maliki in Jordan, preferring the protection of the famous Arab Legions of Jordan to the bewildered Marines and other U.S. forces in Iraq, who are busy aiding with the mass murder of the helpless civilian population of Iraq. This shows demonstrably how much confidence Bush has in the failing expedition that Donald Rumsfeld helped engineer.

Yet, as the Washington Post said last week, Mr. Bush stubbornly sticks to his corny repertoire that the "mission must be completed." What puzzles the observer is trying to figure out what that mission actually is. Is it the total annihilation of the Iraqi people as vengeance for Sept. 11? The Iraqis had nothing to do with 9-11, as has been clearly noted by all sensible observers. And yet in the continuing verbal battle in regard to fighting terror, as far as Iraq is concerned, this is at best stale and at worst - completely out of context.

For the past few weeks, Lebanon has been paralyzed by pro-
and anti-government protests. People that support the Western
-backed government of Prime Minister Fuad Siniora (above) at
a rally on Dec.6.

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: Pro-Western Lebanese
government losing its grip, Dec. 6, 00:11:29

Lebanese pro-Syrian groups rally in Beirut, demanding
that the Western-backed government resign, Dec. 1.


With Bolton, one can only say that the impulsive die-hard pro-Zionist may have overstepped his fragile mandate, perhaps bringing an abrupt swing of the axe down upon him. Just a few days back and without any real grounds for doing so, Bolton wanted to ensure that his voice was heard in regard to the Lebanese situation. In reference to what is largely a domestic Lebanese affair, his Zionist inclinations drew Bolton into blaring out to the entire world that it was Iran and Syria that were masterminding peaceful protests in Lebanon. One would think that such uncalled-for comments by America's U.N. representative was really out of line, especially at a time when the U.S. is soliciting the help of these two states (originally considered members of the "Axis of Evil" by the Bush Administration). Why, one might wonder, would Bolton roil the waters while seeking Iranian and Syrian help finding a solution to the quagmire that Iraq has come to be - thanks to the great strategies drawn up by Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfkowitz, John Bolton, good old Condi and the indefatigable Dick Cheney?

In any case, good riddance. Bolton was causing havoc at the U.N. and nobody there liked him. One would not expect his successor to improve to America's position at the U.N., but at least we should expect someone with more diplomatic flare be accorded this important post.

The Arabs and Lebanon: Since reference was made to Lebanon, it is depressing to see Arab leaders (in keeping with their U.S. masters) call for the Lebanese [Hezbullah-backed] opposition to call off protests against a clearly impotent Lebanese Government. Mind you, this has nothing to do with the concern of Arab leaders for the security and safety of Lebanon. Every Arab in the street knows that this superficial concern of our similarly-impotent leaders comes out of fear that their own subjects might just learn a thing or two about democracy in action!