The Church, Worried for Undocumented Immigrants

The Catholic Church has demonstrated its concern for the situation of Hispanic immigrants in the United States.

“I don’t understand how the United States, being a country essentially of immigrants, doesn’t worry more about them,” indicated Cardinal Rodolfo Quezada Toruño yesterday after the mass, and added that the situation of the immigrants is a concern for the Catholic Church.

The high ranked official of the Guatemalan church commented that he receives many solicitations for help on the part of Hispanics in the United States.

Due to the number of petitions, the Hispanic pastoral was created, in which many separate United States dioceses participate, to offer legal assistance, lodging and medicine, among other services.

“The Church in the United States has had constant worry for Hispanics, they are a sizable part of Catholicism in this country, “ related the Cardinal.

Proof of this is that, according to Quezada, the typical United States bishop speaks only English, but there are auxiliary Spanish-speaking bishops, and it it these who coordinate the pastoral which support Latinos.

A law does not depend on Bush

Quezada expressed that everything being done in favor of immigrants seemed good to him, referring to the visit of President Albaro Colom to Washington.

The meeting was well received by the Cardinal; nonetheless, he recognized that there is not very much that he can achieve, because everything does not depend on the American president, George W. Bush.

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