In Tyranny and Tyrants

Americans are always talking about tyranny and tyrants around the world. They incite one voice, one author and one media. After half a century of doing this job, I don’t know one media, one author and one voice like the American media. Nor have I seen a media so fanatical and chauvinistic as the American media. I was in New York a few months ago when it became clear that there was a problem with the brakes on the Toyota hybrid. The company was quick to recall the cars for repair. About 16 people were injured in related accidents.

The American media proceeded morning, noon and night. Every newspaper and all the televisions were in agreement: in one voice, in one tune, in one accent and in one rhythm. It was like a band playing by the signals of one conductor’s wand, or like a choir repeating “Death to Toyota.”

After two months, I saw the results. Toyota’s sales fell from the first spot to the last, and Ford’s sales increased an unprecedented amount. The American advertising industry reaped the results of the media tyranny, which fed on the biggest car company in the world.

After Toyota, the BP left the Gulf of Mexico in a state of natural disaster. Of course, this is a mistake to be neither thanked nor praised. One cannot be silent about the harms inflicted upon the manifestation of life in that area. However, the American media — one offering, one voice — homed in on the company as if it deliberately caused the disaster and is pleased to lose millions. The American media wants, at the very least, to bankrupt the company and bury its remains in the Gulf of Mexico. The New York Times is published day after day, but there is not one mention in the opinion pages of the events in Gaza. Articles about the Gulf of Mexico overcrowd the paper.

Another foreign company is thrown off course. There can be no grace, no amnesty, no understanding nor acceptance of fault. The company has made legendary attempts to correct its mistake and limit the damages, having spent millions. None of this effort was met with one word of understanding. The American vulture does not leave its prey with a single bone.

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