The United States: A Current View of the Internal Situation

The internal situation in the United States doesn’t present a very optimistic picture, mainly because of the economic problems that the country is experiencing, despite the Obama administration’s attempts to portray this aspect in the most favorable way possible.

In these moments, the U.S. debt — including that of the government, businesses and individuals — has climbed to $59.4 billion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis. This means that the country could enter a period of recession, just as it did in 2008.

Wars and wasteful spending have caused the situation in which the country now finds itself. Forty years ago, the U.S. debt was around $2.2 billion, meaning it has now reached 27 times the amount it once was. The economist Michael Snyder, in a recent article in InfoWars, emphasized that the United States lives in the largest bubble of debt in recorded history and that it’s impossible for their situation to have a happy ending.

The more debt the United States accumulates, the greater the part of the country’s future revenue that will be used to pay the debt and its interest, which in turn will reduce the amount of money that could be spent on economic development.

In addition to its economic troubles, there are other persistent problems that add to the insecurity of the people who reside in United States territory.

Legally armed civilians continue to kill innocent people in universities, schools and public places. At the end of May, six students from the University of California were killed and another 13 were injured before the 22-year-old aggressor took his own life.

The president himself commented, after a recent shooting in a school in Oregon, that the United States is the only developed country in which this type of tragedy occurs, and it takes place weekly. However, he didn’t say that anything had been done to keep it from happening again in the future.

Despite Obama’s electoral promises that he would resolve the problem of existing illegal immigrants in the United States, his administration has deported more than two million of them, which greatly surpasses the number of those deported by previous administrations.

Before being deported, these people are imprisoned in federal facilities where they are obligated to work on maintenance tasks in detention centers for 13 cents an hour, which means a savings of about $40 million for the government and the companies that manage those establishments. Every year, about 60,000 immigrants are imprisoned.

As for the penal population of the United States, we can say that it adds up to about 2,200,000 people, a proportion five times greater than that of other industrialized countries. The cost of the penitentiary system is $80 billion a year, and the system itself is characterized by inhumane treatment, lack of medical treatment, unjustified punishment and large periods of solitary confinement for those who are considered a danger to the system — usually imprisoned for their political ideas, not for having committed any crime.

As for the young people, it can’t be said that their economic future is very promising, as the majority of them will enter it with the weight of the largest debt in history. The total student debt in the United States is more than a billion dollars, and the average student ends his college education owing $29,000 dollars. There are 40 million students in debt, and 7 million of them cannot pay the debt they owe, chiefly because they do not have a job or because they work in positions that receive low wages.

To further complicate the situation, the Obama administration has maintained the warmongering and interventionist policies that have characterized the United States since its founding. The presence of the United States is seen clearly in the conflicts in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and others, not to make the list too long and mention the countries, primarily from Latin America, into which it has also sunk its claws.

Although in countries like Iraq the United States has declared its “mission accomplished,” it would seem that other forces disagree with the declaration and have immersed themselves in the task of taking over the government.

This will represent a large part of the billions of dollars that the Obama administration will designate to the continuation of the war, although as the president announced, it will be carried out through drones and planes to try to avoid adding to the 4,500 deaths of U.S. soldiers from a conflict [the U.S.] claims to have resolved.

As you can see, the outlook is not very promising.

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