Obama Wants Britain To Be a Trojan Horse in Europe

I have always heard about the so-called “special relationship” between Britain and the United States.

In the past, the United States was a British colony during the time of Great Britain. Decades passed and Britain lost its glory, then the former colony came to colonize the once-great Britain.

Now, U.S. President Barack Obama wants Britain to remain in the European Union, alleging that its presence as a member strengthens the union and its countries, and that its withdrawal would mean that it would head to the back of the line in establishing trade agreements with the United States.

The glaring truth in my opinion is that the United States wants a Trojan horse inside the European Union, and there is no one better to play this role than Britain, as their “special relationship” ties them to the United States. Obama went to Germany after Britain, then he returned to his country, and those advocating for withdrawal from the European Union are still attacking him and giving him a fierce tongue-lashing.

Of course, I am but a peasant from the Third World, and I have no right to be insolent with Western leaders, but I am a peasant residing in the West – one who reads about and keeps up with these things – and I have noticed that Obama’s wooing of Britain, specifically their Prime Minister David Cameron, is not based on history or geography. The relationship between the two men was tense until they held a joint press conference in London, trading such flirtatious expressions I was afraid that one of them would jump on the other and they’d start kissing.

I have already said that Barack Obama makes promises and doesn’t keep them, that David Cameron is the last neoconservative to be in power, and that I will not vote for a candidate from the Conservative Party as long as Cameron is the leader of the party.

I still say that, but I would like to qualify this by saying that Obama is better than his predecessor George [W.] Bush, to the point that it is not even fair to compare the two, and Cameron is better than his predecessor Tony Blair; in fact I still consider the comparison between them to be indecent.

London Mayor Boris Johnson, who is also a Conservative member of Parliament, aspires to be prime minister. He welcomed the U.S. president in an article published in The Sun, a tabloid newspaper known for its nude photos. In what he wrote, he accused President Obama of sending back a bust of Winston Churchill from the White House to the British embassy after winning the presidency. President Obama responded saying that the bust was given to George [W.] Bush to put in the White House for the length of his presidency and, after Bush left the White House, Obama returned the bust because it was British property. He also said that there is another bust of Churchill in the White House, in the family wing, and that he sees it every day.

That is all well and good, but what is not good at all is that Obama closed the door to a solution in Syria. In his interview with the BBC, he refused to send ground forces — he sent a small number of special forces — said that negotiations in Geneva would not lead to anything and that he does not expect the Islamic State to fall within his final nine months in the White House. These words confirm my opinion that Obama is a coward, despite having good intentions.

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1 Comment

  1. If you really want to understand the evolving relationship between Obama and Cameron, you have to access those leaked pages from the TTIP. It’s all about yet another mechanism for redistributing wealth upwards.

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