Does Trump Really Have Cabin Fever?

Donald Trump has been the American president for a while now; however, his brash and exaggerated style remains the same. On Feb. 16, a month after his inauguration, he used two extreme expressions to describe his experience, first comparing his administration to a “well-oiled machine,” and second, claiming his team has “made incredible progress.” At the same time, he also complained that living in the White House hasn’t made him happy, complaining that staying there has given him a headache, made him depressed, and given him cabin fever.

The two statements may seem contradictory, but they’re both true for him.

Within the first month on the job, Trump has worked like a full-powered engine; he was busy eradicating Obama’s legacy and fulfilling his campaign promises, which had been much maligned. He froze Obama’s health care law, announced the exit from Obama’s beloved Trans-Pacific Partnership, restarted the Keystone XL Pipeline project, signed an order to build a wall on the border with Mexico, and announced the “Muslim ban.” Doing this much in such a short time could be described as unparalleled among past U.S. presidents. His excitement and description of “incredible progress” would not be out of place.

However, this is his self-assessment. In fact, there’s much domestic and international opposition to his many measures. People have described him as a ticking time bomb in the White House, ready to create controversy at any moment, disrupting America and the world. The attacks on him started at the beginning of his term, hoping to stop his executive orders and his “Muslim ban.” The Russia-gate crisis, which forced Mike Flynn to resign, was in fact practice in trying to topple him à la Watergate.

Even more maddening to Trump was how his every action has been scrutinized. He is used to posting on Twitter daily. Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader and a Republican, said on Feb. 17 that he did not agree with Trump’s habit of issuing orders via Twitter, and hoped the president would limit his comments on unimportant issues and not be so vitriolic.

Even worse, a group of 35 mental health professionals have publicly announced that Trump is mentally ill and not fit to fulfill his presidential duties. The public letter was published in The New York Times, listing all of his unflattering symptoms: lack of interest in others, believing in one’s own superiority, believing in one’s special treatment, obsession with compliments and attention, inability to deal with criticism and failure, etc.

It is normal for an American president to be ridiculed by the public, but such widespread and intense opposition is rare. There are other instances of American presidents being impeached, but hundreds of thousands of people asking for impeachment so early on in one’s presidency is a first. No one would be happy about such a predicament.

Of course, Trump is a successful businessman used to getting his way. In the business world, he constantly barked orders like a king and is used to being obeyed, complimented and kissed-up to by others. As a president, however, he has had to withstand personal ridicule, personal attacks, character attacks, etc., so if he says he is suffering from headaches, depression, and cabin fever, he may not just be complaining and letting loose; it is the truth.

It is not easy being the American president, and the White House is not an easy place to live in. Trump is just getting a taste of this experience. He has a long way to go.

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