‘Gender Bolshevism’ as a Prospect for America

The Democratic National Convention, which took place last week, attracted much more attention than similar conventions in the past. This is understandable: An ideological conflict is growing before our eyes, which will have serious consequences for both the U.S. and the world.

Joe Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as his running mate reveals that the split in American society will only deepen. What is Harris known for? A lot of things. In particular, her participation in persecuting journalist David Daleiden. His crime was that he pretended to be a representative of a fake organization called BioMax. He claimed to be interested in research materials and led talks with representatives of Planned Parenthood regarding the purchase of organs from fetuses which are aborted. While doing so, he secretly recorded them on video.

The recordings, which were subsequently uploaded online, made clear that Planned Parenthood was not only trading fetal organs, but also altering the process of abortion in such a way as to obtain intact “samples.” The recordings also showed an astonishing level of cynicism with which representatives of this organization discussed the sickening business.

Selling human organs is officially a crime, but the journalist who made it public was the one who was prosecuted. Harris, an ardent advocate of abortion in general and Planned Parenthood in particular, was a prosecutor for the state of California at the time.

Her other feats (of the same kind) will not be listed here as they are too long.

Of course, the recent Democratic National Convention did not take place out of the blue. A “culture wars” conflict has been developing for a long time. This refers to the divide between those who consider America’s Christian identity to be of fundamental importance and those who want to overcome their Christian heritage to protect the country’s future.

Gradually the scales have tipped toward progressives. This was especially noticeable when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage a “constitutional right,” thus revising the definition of the most basic institution in society.

As the power of progressives grows, it has become increasingly apparent that the revolution has a beginning, but it does not have an end. This includes forcing LGBT indoctrination in schools, forcing Christian centers that help pregnant women to provide addresses of abortion clinics, forcing Catholic nuns to pay for contraceptives (including drugs that induce abortions), forcing a school to allow transgender boys the use of a bathroom meant for girls, branding everyone who dares to express objections as haters or evil fanatics whose hands are covered in the blood of unfortunate and tortured minorities all while being fired from work (by state or corporations) for not being progressive enough. All of this unfolded under Barack Obama’s administration and led to the defeat of the Democrats in the 2016 election. The people who were fed up with all of this voted for Donald Trump.

After Trump’s victory, the Democrats experienced a setback. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned a number of the most egregious decisions by local governments, with the president himself promising to protect religious freedom. The 2016 setback, however, did not slow the Democrats down.

Even if the difference between Democrats and Republicans was moderate some time ago, with both parties belonging to the same culture and sharing the same values, we are now witnessing a fundamental conflict of an ideological nature, reminiscent of civil wars in France, Russia, Mexico and Spain.

Society often shapes its own identity through opposing the “other.” For a long time, the West saw itself as a bulwark of “Christian civilization,” which opposed “godless communism.”

When communism failed, many thought that it had come to an end and the values of the market and personal freedoms had finally prevailed. These expectations did not come true. Godless communism, although completely discredited by the collapse of socialism, seems to be successfully growing within the United States. This version could be described as “gender bolshevism,” a revolutionary ideology in which the role of the advanced class that will destroy the Old World order is no longer attributed to the proletariat, but to various minorities: racial and sexual.

It is distinguished by the same fundamental hostility to our civilization’s Christian heritage, which is perceived as a source of oppression that should be eradicated for the sake of a brighter future while destroying all the personal freedoms along the way that until recently were considered fundamental to the Western way of life.

The United States emphasizes its commitment to religious freedom; a state founded by devout refugees from the Old World, who sailed across the ocean to pray freely according to their faith. But times have changed, and both Biden and Harris are known for their continuous effort to fight religious freedom.

Of course, no one overtly declares a desire to stamp out this freedom. Echoing an already established message, Harris said, “The freedom to worship is one of our nation’s most cherished and fundamental rights — but it should never be used to discriminate or undermine other Americans’ civil rights.”

Since any disobedience to progressive ideology is absolutely considered “discrimination” (for example, terminating a Sunday school teacher for entering into a same-sex marriage), in reality, it is the abolition of religious freedom. This is reminiscent of the situation in the Soviet Union, where freedom of conscience was formally spelled out in the constitution.

The difference between the Soviet Union and the U.S. is that Biden calls himself a Christian and a Catholic, even though Catholics deny him Communion. Harris is formally a Baptist. Moreover, Biden’s supporters will tell you that it is exactly these people, who propagate Sodom and Gomorrah, who are the true Christians, filled with love and mercy. But the ones who hold on to traditional beliefs that killing babies within the wombs of their mothers and then selling the organs is wrong are the evil fanatics, to whom the teachings of Jesus are foreign. They are the scoundrels who discriminate.

This is comparable to the phenomenon of cultural appropriation. In the modern West, it is considered an outrageous racist act for someone to dress up in a Native American costume, for example. In doing so, that person is said to steal someone’s cultural heritage. Following the analogy, you can see that progressives behave as if whites not only dress up as Native Americans, but begin to assume that they are actually Native Americans.

Of course, there are still many people left in the U.S. who represent an old America: ethically sound, morally healthy, devout and hardworking. They can still vote against the Biden and Harris duo in the next election.

We in Russia find ourselves needing to somehow define our position in the conflict between gender bolsheviks and supporters of Christian civilization, especially considering the progressive zeal to promote an ideology around the world. (Remember the LGBT flags on American embassies.) And our position is obvious; Russia naturally rejects all this madness and gravitates toward its Orthodox roots.

We could easily find common ground with those in the United States and the West in general who defend common sense and religious freedom. But for this to happen, we need something to be done at home: in particular, the end of the anti-constitutional, unjust and senseless persecution of sectarians. History makes us the guardians and defenders of our civilization’s Christian heritage, and we must accept the mission entrusted to us.

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