On the Foolishness of the United States

I am very curious to know what the prison of Abu Ghraib means to the new American president and those who work in his administration. I would also like to know how he and his team view the prison on Guantanamo Bay, which has been rented from Cuba by Washington for $2,000 annually, or what amounts to $165 monthly, and which constitutes the greatest instance of brutality and greatest breach of human rights and the rights of living beings, in general.

How will His Excellency the President view Iraq? Its wealth was plundered and squandered by Paul Bremer, the delegate of his country in Baghdad following the collapse of the bygone regime of Saddam Hussein, who granted a significant portion of said wealth to the extremists. How does he view the more than 40,000 dead civilians who were the victims of the war that America waged in Afghanistan after the events of 9/11 and the more than 11 million Afghans who became refugees?

What about those in Iraq who died at the hands of his country’s forces whose number reached 200,000 people, and the displacement of approximately 2 million Iraqis from their homes who were then left out in the open? How can it be justified to the American people that nearly $6 trillion of their treasures were spent on those wars whose fuses were ignited unilaterally by their country? In His Excellency’s view, how can a country withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council, the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization and the Global Compact for Migration, issue an executive order ordering an asset freeze and a travel ban for employees of the International Criminal Court and their families, and then speak so boastfully about freedom and human rights? How does one explain the report issued by the American Federal Bureau of Investigation, which confirmed that the highest number of hate crimes in the United States in more than 10 years were recorded in the year 2019?

By what standards will His Excellency view what amounts to nearly 4,500 children who have been separated from their loved ones during their families’ attempts to sneak into the United States from Mexico? When will he be able to save women in the United States? According to reports from his country, while 10% of men live below the poverty line, nearly 13% of women live below that line. At the same time, women and children make up more than 70% of impoverished people in the United States of America, which stands up for women in various other regions of the world.

How should the new American administration properly understand the increase in gender-based violence? This increase was reported by the FBI, which said that throughout 2019 American women experienced more than 139,000 cases of rape, particularly female employees. How will the president fight the discrimination that his country is aiming to fight outside its borders through slander and political gain? According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than four in 10 women face discrimination in their places of work when it comes to salaries and promotions, in addition to discrimination against pregnant women, who are dismissed from their positions merely for speaking about being deprived of rights.

I spent an entire night exploring depressing U.S. allegations, lies and procrastinations, and I found thousands of pieces of evidence and motives that prove the deception by this country of the whole world. I am now even more convinced than I imagined that I can stop agreeing with everything Americans espouse or claim. I credit the intelligence report that was published by the American CIA on the killing of our colleague Jamal Khashoggi — may God rest his soul — for showing me those facts, about which the least that can be said is that they are scandalous.

However, I will move on from this point in order to explain my opinion on what the supposed report contains. Henceforth, I say that any of the judgments or explanations presented — which will disregard the “intentional” political and media marketing Washington has engaged in since the new American administration has taken charge — will be subject either to contradiction or claims that they lack credibility and certainty, and then they will fall into the swamp of “heresies.”

By following a certain logical sequence, I say with certainty that the Biden administration did not take into its own hands the dissemination of what it alleges to be facts about this case by mere coincidence. Rather, the issue makes very clear its goals and intentions.

It is a disgrace, according to diplomatic and political standards, to discuss a matter that has been closed for two reasons. An independent Saudi judiciary made a judgment and has issued sentences for all whose guilt was proven. This is the first reason. The second reason, and the most important one, is that the case was closed after the judges reached a conclusion in accordance with the wishes of the Khashoggi family, for their own private reasons. The discussion of this matter by any foreign party can be considered to be a moral failure.

What Washington claimed to be facts, which it primed global opinion to accept, seemed to be very far from any information over which the American administration’s institutions would have had exclusive possession. Rather, they were individual analyses based on personal opinion regarding the kingdom of a few politicians, members of Congress and strategists. Such analyses do not meet the minimum standards for determining the factuality of what may be new information for the case. Based on this premise, I say that it is a shame for the U.S. administration to start its tenure with this depravity, this embodiment of lies and slander.

I imagine that politicians in the Oval Office must realize that the world has discerning eyes that can see that the slogan “The American Model,” marketed by Washington, is a great lie whose goal is retaining hegemony. They consider themselves to be those who call for defending human rights while they shamelessly practice double standards in issues of human rights set according to their own political needs. This confirms their violations of the human conscience.

I heard an American official say, “We will put pressure on Saudi Arabia, but we will not cut them off. It is very important to us to guarantee Saudi Arabia’s ability to protect itself.” The political meaning of “pressure” is the opposite of that, which leads us to think that every false accusation of theirs is made solely for the purpose of settling scores between the previous administration and the subsequent one.

At the same time, another official said, “Saudi Arabia is still getting attacked, and we take the responsibility of remaining loyal to Riyadh very seriously!” Those were their words.

As for mine — and I’m not an official, but rather a citizen who considers duties and not rights — I say that they will not manage to lower our standing in the world, nor can they detract from our history nor from our strength. We can defend our country ourselves, without them.

As for all of you: You attempt to market yourselves with lies, self-adulation and falsehood at the expense of slogans that become exposed — not only to us, but to the whole world.

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