McCain Swiped “Family Recipes” From the Internet

McCain swiped “family recipes” from the internet

With recipes like these, John McCain can do little to improve the ratty Republican image – not least because they didn’t really come from his grandma.

Tuna Hawaiian style, farfalle with turkey sausages or rosemary chicken: these great sounding dishes appeared on John McCain’s website with the claim that they were “family recipes.”

But because there’s nothing in a candidate’s life that can remain in the shadows during an election, internet users found out that the recipes were copied word for word from the Food Network website, the Washington Post reported.

The embarrassing foul-up, according to a McCain spokesperson, happened when a trainee working for their staff apparently got careless and drafted the Food Network’s head chef into McCain’s election team.

The “Family Recipes” page of McCain’s website was immediately blocked.

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