人民网北京12月18日讯 美国联储局大手减息,再加上采用“非传统手段”,美国经济能否扭转局势仍是未知数,但措施的风险绝不容忽视,包括通胀重临,独立的联储局受政治干预,以及联储局会蒙受贷款损失。
英国《每日邮报》指出,如果全球经济真的能因而复苏,美国政府必须快快加息,否则衰退和通缩过后便是通胀狂飙。这对美元来说是个不利因素,因为通货膨胀会侵蚀美元价值。RBS Greenwich Capital首席国际策略师罗斯金表示,联储局实际上是在与狼共舞。
this is not a recession but a decline of wealth for a nation.
it has been occuring for over 40 years.
some americans work two and three jobs to try and maintain their standard of living and even that approach is running out of steam.
it is the end of an era in america.
maybe it will slow america’s desire for wars for profits and desire to maintain a mega military budget.
americans have become imperialists and dont have a clue they are.
the price of imperialism is high. we are now experienceing the high cost of imperialism.
ie economic decline for a nation.
politicans wont tell americans it is a decline of wealth they want to get elected.
americans would kill the person delivering the message. it is called denial and americans have it big time. used to being a superpower cant give it up. ego thing.