Get the HellOut of Here!

edited by Lauren Abuouf

From now until his departure on January 20th, President Bush needs to spare himself the trouble of performing “false” tasks and duties.

It is useless and does harm to him and his country.

Last month, and at the APEC summit with Asia’s leaders, Bush looked alone, confused, pale and rejected—exactly like a “lame duck”.

But who suggested that he secretly visit Iraq and Afghanistan to bid the two countries farewell, countries that suffered under the yoke of war, all because of his catastrophic policies.

Did he miss being a newsmaker?

Or did he go there to celebrate a false “victory,” a security pact rejected by all Iraqis, or to harp on a tailored democracy, freedom, which only brought about disaster, death and destruction?

How can the departing American president believe that anyone in Iraq would want to see him for the last time?

Isn’t he satisfied with the war crimes he committed?

Obviously, his visit was meant solely to shamelessly defend a war that claimed more than 500,000 victims, and to announce that the war is still going on.

This, undeniably, ignited a volcano of anger, aggravation, and hatred in a way hard to condemn, when Arab public opinion rightly regarded it an astonishing victory for Iraq and all Arabs.

In fact, Bush was lucky that none of his soldiers in Camp Victory, where he went afterwards, was bold enough to stand up and refute his repeated lies and accusations about the late Iraqi President Saddam, and bold enough to remind him that he was responsible for the American invasion of Iraq, claiming that the war was necessary for fighting terror.

Instead, Bush ought to have expressed his sorrow and regret about the blunders of the CIA, and about claims that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, and for the horrible mistakes, and lies, he and his administration made.

Then, during his last visit to Afghanistan, Bush was not even shot when he talked about the thriving democracy there. I wonder what kind of democracy can develop in an environment of violence and unprecedented chaos!

Please, Mr. Bush, go to the White House, your temporary home, and shut yourself inside it. No one wishes to bid you farewell, not even the Americans themselves, because of the shame you have brought upon them.

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  1. he is a sociopath few americans with admit to that that they elected a sociopath.

    my own wife voted for this sociopath but now refuses to even admit to anyone she voted for him.

    he actually thinks he will go down in history as a great president.

    a trillion dollars later and 500,000 iraqis killed and he still claims victory.

    we americans did not learn from vietnam about imperialism and nation building maybe we will from this iraq war. dont bet on it americans are imperialists in their hearts and dont have a clue they are. not a clue.

    I am not a proud american but a sad american that my country causes such suffering in the world.

    what we sow we will reap and it is beginning to reap and weep with economic decline.

  2. This president still lives in the make-believe world that he has created for himself where ephemeral things like reality and facts do not trouble him.

    His blatant lies are still repeated over and over even though the ‘truth’ has been known for years!

    His little child mentality is still trying to change the facts to whatever he chooses to believe!

    He has not accomplished even one ‘positive’ thing in eight years, everything he has tried has been disastrous!

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