گفت:ركود حاكم بر بازار مسكن و برنامه هاي دولت براي خارج كردن تقاضا از بخش مسكن دليل كاهش قيمت مسكن است.
منوچهر خواجه دلويي در گفتگو با فارس در پاسخ به اينكه آيا اين كاهش قيمت ها تنها به دليل ركود حاكم بر بازار مسكن بوده است اظهار داشت:نبايد به تنهايي عامل ركود را دليل كاهش قيمت مسكن عنوان كرد چرا كه به هر حال برنامه هاي دولت حجم بالايي از تفاضا در بخش مسكن را خارج كرد.
خواجه دلويي تاكيد كرد: خارج شدن حجم سنگيني از تقاضاي بخش مسكن در قالب برنامه هاي دولت از بازار مسكن علت اصلي كاهش بهاي مسكن بود.
ok as an american and an old one I have witnessed american poltics for a long time.
first bush will not be brought to justice by american courts.
the other party the democratics are spineless and fearful. they supported bush’s war all the way with money. mega money.
bush knows the democrats the very best. they voted for the iraq war for fear of being looked at as easy on terrorism. he knew that.
next most americans in their hearts are imperialists. they do not know they are imperialists as they have been conditioned to think all of their war mongering is for their freedom.
the cost of the iraq war and the afgan war will break the back of the american economy.
this is not a recession but a decline of wealth for america. america has printed money and borrowed money for decades to try and maintain its standard of living.
what we sow we reap. it is reap time in america.
please note few americans want to reduce the size of the industrial military complex that benefits the few at the expense of the many.
few americans care less about the damage we have done to the iraqi people like we cared less about the million vietnamese we killed in that other illegal war for profits.
americans protested the vietnam war due to the draft not the vietnamese people being killed.
we have southern states in america that raise their children to fight in these illegal wars and the parents are proud of their children for doing so. they call them heros for doing so.
every one of our soldiers are called heros for fighting in these illegal wars.
so sad to watch your country do such things in the world and watch your country in such rapid decline. but it must be, war mongering has its price.
we are beginning to pay that price. it will get worst much worst. the world will be safer for our decline.