如果说布什的伊战对美国造成的是“外伤”,那么布什的外交政策总体来说是使美国受了更严重的“内伤”。由于“布什政策”的核心内容是“单边主义”(说得难听的话是“新帝国主义”),在布什在任的八年中,美国系统性地违反了它自己辛辛苦苦创建和维护的自由主义价值和国际准则。从对恐怖嫌疑分子使用酷刑,在关塔那摩湾设“黑牢”,到单方撤出“反弹道导弹协议”,布什政府不仅蔑视国际法律和国际舆论,而且根本不考虑这些短期的行为将对美国在国际社会中的 “诚信”和“软力量”的致命打击。
当然,布什在任八年中的外交政策并不具有全面连贯性。总体来说,他最主要和最严重的错误都犯在第一任。在他的第二任中,布什的外交政策有所调整。相对“新保守主义” 意识主导的第一任,布什的第二任中的外交政策有了较浓的实用主义色彩和一定的灵活性。在处理棘手的伊朗问题和朝核问题上,布什基本采纳了国务卿赖斯的务实政策,从而避免犯更严重的错误。
“Since the core of the Bush Doctrine is unilateralism (a euphemism for New Imperialism),”
How few Americans understand they are imperialists.
Most actually think their mega military budget and mega industrial military complex is about defense not imperialism. The corporate industrial military complex has done a genius job of making them believe that. This industrial military complex not only controls wash dc through lobbyists but now the mass media through ownership.
Brilliant combination corporate lobbyists control Washington and corporations many in the business of war products controls the mass media. Americans turn on their TV’s and think they are getting the news. It is bias to the nth degree. Look how few read this website and comment.
It will be decades before Americans figure out they are imperialists. We killed one million Vietnamese and did not bat an eye. Yes there were protests but that was because of the drafting of college students. Now we have a privatized war machine very expensive but prevents protests like occurred during the Vietnam years.
Americans will tell you they have 130 thousand in Iraq but look close it is more like 250 thousand if you include the privatized aspect of our occupation of that country for their oil reserves.
We have southern states that raise their children to fight in these wars for profits generation after generation and proud to do so. We have a saying in America if you let cousins marry cousins (like in the south) for 200 years you have got yourself a ready made military. Take a trip through the southern states and talk to the average folks and then you will have a better understanding of the American mentality.
It is with sadness that I write these words. To watch your country self-destruct due to greed and arrogance is no easy task.