“购物要买美国货,减员先裁外国人”,这句顺口溜的源头居然来自美国政府。前半句直接与美国新的救市条款相关。在对外贸易方面,以奥巴马为首的美国政府将利己主义发挥到极致。美众议院在新救市方案中同样加入了“保护主义条款”:唯有全部使用“美国造”钢铁产品的基础设施项目,才可获得美国新救市方案的资金支持。相关内容还包括,美国运输安全管理局所使用的任何制服和纺织品必须为 100%“美国造”。尽管目前刚获参众院“达成一致”的新计划是否包含此条款仍未可知,仅其成文并拿出来讨论,已引起轩然大波,并让人对一个“新美国”生疑。
一向崇尚契约的美国已因经济上的捉襟见肘而致朝令夕改,为短期利益罔顾长远发展,有时甚至搬起石头砸自己的脚。可以说,相较金融业的危机,“美国精神”正在遭遇更大挑战。(本报记者 赵夙岚)
it is the final straw of a country in a decline.
it is futility in motion.
give us a break we are in trouble big trouble.
reagan economics backfired on us.
w edwards deming saw this coming decades ago. but no one listened to him.
ike saw this coming in 1961 if we did not reduce our industrial military complex in peace time instead we chose cold wars to keep it intact.
there are universal laws that act on nations as well as individuals and china confused religious dogma with these universal laws.
america is experiencing its own karma. it will learn but not before it suffers the loss of most of its middle class.
imperialism has its price. check out history for that price. hint bankruptcy and loss of middle class.
the existing two wars will finish the touches for that bankruptcy.
please note no one in america is suggesting we reduce our industrial military complex or our 700 hundred bases around the world. super power status is an ego thing and we americans love being the big kid on the block.
few will understand my words. very few.
The United States should begin to slowly cut imports with china. Maybe this means we have to put major tariffs in place, but whatever the cost is we can not continue to depend on these people for cheap gooods. Americans should role up their sleeves and begin making the same products here in the US. This will not only end our addiction to the chinese but it will also create a solid base of manufactering once again in the US. This would create a very stable economy, one in which America is not only the Top tech developer in the world but also produces most of its own goods at home! If this is accomplished Chinas’s own economic development can be slowed dramatically,hopefully curbing its desire to “play with the big boys”. China and Russia could pose significant threat to American Allies, but only if we allow them to through our need to consume. Let us build up the economy, this time with a strong base, and show the world once again we dont play around. P.S. We could rule the world.
Golly, the Chinese advising us not to buy American couldn’t be a teensy bit self-serving?
“P.S. We could rule the world.”
for everyone that reads these blogs this is a typical american response. america wants to rule the world.
americans even believe they have a god given right to rule the world. bet hitler thought the same thing.
this is imperialism defined. i keep saying this on this blog but no one understands the american mentality.
americans dont have a clue they are imperialists. when is the world going to wake up and call us what we are imperialists. we have 700 military bases around the world if that is not imperialism what is???????
no all of you want to sell us your stuff. we americans know how to buy stuff even if we have to borrow money to buy it.
the chinese loan us money so we can buy their stuff but at least we can pay them back with a devalued dollar.