作 者: 天涯海角
well well well protectism.
how big is our trade balance with china?
that is what americans are angry about.
we are losing high paying jobs to china to enhance corp profits that not not trickleing down to the middle class.
americans are losing their wealth at a rapid rate and they are angry.
this deregulation trickle down theory has bankrupted america.
reagan put capitalism on steorids. capitalism will self destruct but reagan’s free trade approach was designed for the have mores to have more.
and the middle class is paying a price for their trust and ignorance of the tenents of capitalism.
with communism man exploits man with capitalism it is the other way around. we are now witnessing that self destruction of capitalism in america.
but in reality what did we americans do with our wealth the last 6 decades but do imperialism and nation building and played the role of super power. ie a national ego thing.
700 american military bases around the world and americans dont have a clue they are imperialists. that is the power of patroitism and nationalism paradigms.
ike warned us in 1961 what would happen if we did not detune our military but no one listened.
too much money for the few in our wars for profits.
in the end our loss of wealth will benefit the world as someday we will have to quit playing the bully role in the world and discontinue our wars for profits.
wealth can be as harsh a teacher as poverty.
spiritual laws apply to nations as well as individuals.
spiritual laws are not religious laws.
ie christianity died on the cross but spiritual laws are always present.