[2627] (2010-05-03)
中国频频发生的校园悲剧,和美国一样,也是与不断扩大的自由有关。这一次可以说是新闻自由的代价(去年的新疆七.五骚乱就是由于网上一个谣言引发的)。改革开放三十年,中国社会整体日益自由和多元。然而任何社会的进步都不是“免费的午餐”。新闻自由也同样。自南平悲剧发生之后,曾有专家担心会出现大量的效仿作用。果然不幸而言中。只是社会的进步无法倒退,而代价也要有足够的心理来承担。不仅如此,我们有了自由,还要有自律,还要有对自由的驾驭能力(比如至少应该能够识破谣言、不相信谣言)。 显然,中国并没有准备好。
法国巴黎 宋鲁郑
While I agree you that some of the outbursts of frustration that cause what appear to be random attacks on the innocent are a direct result of individuals feeling abandoned by their societies, I also feel you have a skewed view of America & it’s problems with violence.
Most of the shootings & murders we experience here in the states are gang-related, they are nothing more than “turf wars” between groups of criminals that have decided the “gangster” life-style is glamorous or profitable, and our media seems to irresponsibly encourage this belief.
School shootings are quite rare here…whenever it is discussed in the media as a theme, they have to go back over 30 years of history to give even a handful of examples, but they always present each example as though it just happened yesterday, and present them as though they were a string of ongoing incidents, which they are not.
In fact, the murder rate in general has been declining in the U.S.since 1993. There is no real consensus as to why, but it is interesting to note that Canada saw the same decrease, and the only verifiable factor that matched the possible factors in the U.S. was a decline in the number of youths as a percentage of the population. Personally & unscientifically, I conclude that the young, without the mitigating presence of adults in their groups, tend to violate social norms more easily and more frequently…but that is just my opinion.
As for attacks on schoolchildren, I see a number of differences between the historical attacks in the U.S. versus the recent spate of attacks in China.
The Chinese attacks were all incidences where a disenfranchised adult attacked elementary school children…in the U.S., for the most part, the incidences were teen-age children attacking schoolmates…the only exception I can recall was the Patrick Purdy attack, where an adult attacked elementary school children in Cleveland about 21 years ago, with an illegally modified AK-47, killing five, and wounding 29. All of the fatally shot victims and many of the wounded were Cambodian and Vietnamese immigrants. Purdy then took his own life by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. Purdy had carved the words “freedom”, “victory”, “Earth-man”, and “Hezbollah” on his assault rifle (ironically, a Chinese import), and his flak jacket read “PLO”, “Libya”, and “death to the Great Satin”.
Although the U.S. media tries to indicate gun ownership as the primary cause of Purdy’s violence, the truth is, he had a long history of criminal activity & mental illness, and was not even allowed to legally purchase a firearm…unfortunately, no legal method of doing a background check for mental illness exists here due to medical record privacy laws, and in each case where Purdy had committed a felony, the judges had reduced his crimes to misdemeanors in plea agreements, so he was not flagged for a felony, regardless of his actual criminal background.
In conclusion, I see no real connection in the school violence China is currently undergoing, and the incidences in America’s history. In fact, many of us in the States are confused by what has recently happened in China, and are trying to see a causal connection in the incidents as well, and cannot perceive any easily-defined pattern, with the exception of the obvious “copy-cat” syndrome, which we see here quite often, as well.
Hopefully, these occurrences are over, and will be seen in the future as an aberration, unusual & tragic, but not at all a normal expectation of societal factors.