Un agente de la patrulla fronteriza de Texas asesinó ayer de un balazo en la cabeza al juarense Sergio Adrián Hernández Güereca, de 15 años, en el lado mexicano de la frontera. Las evidencias parecen contundentes: por separado los testigos confirman que el menor recibió el disparo cuando éste ni siquiera se encontraba armado. Así lo confirman también los videos que se tomaron del crimen y los rastros balísticos dejados en el lugar de los hechos.
Hace apenas dos semanas Anastasio Hernández Rojas, indocumentado mexicano de 42 años de edad, padre de cinco hijos, fue también asesinado, esta vez por una golpiza a manos de la Patrulla Fronteriza de California, cuando estaba en proceso de ser deportado. El análisis forense lo corrobora.
Es difícil pensar que la cercanía temporal de ambos hechos sea una coincidencia. Se manifiesta justo cuando la xenofobia antiinmigrante del país vecino se expresa ahora también en leyes. Lo más alarmante es que el endurecimiento de normas que generó un escándalo en Arizona no sólo cuenta con el apoyo de la mayoría de los estadounidenses, según las encuestas, sino que se está reflejando en la forma misma en que actúan las autoridades en los tres estados que hacen frontera con México.
Ambos asesinatos, y las absurdas leyes que criminalizan a los migrantes, son la expresión de un odio cultivado hace tiempo desde varios sectores estadounidenses. Son culpables, de inicio, quienes perversamente han querido vender la idea de que los inmigrantes provocan delitos, de que se roban los empleos y los servicios públicos. Políticos republicanos y algunos demócratas, cadenas de medios como Fox News y organizaciones conservadoras como Minuteman y Tea Party han impulsado impunemente esta cruzada de odio que hoy tiene sus consecuencias.
Es evidente que la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores luce tibia cuando se limita a “condenar” los asesinatos o a pedir investigaciones, así como Barack Obama no se muestra firme ante una reforma que ampare a los migrantes. Sin embargo, más importante todavía es que no han sabido cómo atacar los factores sociales, económicos, políticos y culturales que permitieron a los racistas hacer de la frontera común un campo minado del odio, un campo minado que ayer explotó.
Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens…that’s 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegals.
The Government Accountability Office released a report on a study of 55,322 illegals in federal, state, and local jails during 2003. It found that…
The 55,322 illegal aliens imprisoned were the result of 459,614 arrests…eight arrests per illegal.
Their arrests were the result of roughly 700,000 criminal offenses…13 offenses per illegal alien.
36 percent had been arrested at least five times before.
All this is happening in my country, every day of every year, but you use the occasion of 1 punk trying to bash in the head of one of our border patrol agents with a rock, who subsequently was shot for his assault, to try and somehow seize the moral high ground?
If anything, it exemplifies the very reasons why America must take control of it’s southern border & enforce it’s immigration laws…in part, to stop the continuing murders of our own citizens, but also to avoid the inevitable violent retaliation against the southern invaders.
The above poster is voicing a despicable point of view and I would like the people of Mexico to know that we are not all like this. We do not condone the shooting of children.
Dolmance, if you’re old enough to try and kill, you’re old enough to accept the consequences.
And am I to understand you condone the murder of thousands of Americans every year?…murders that could have been prevented with proper border control?
Seems a tad hypocritical to me…I see no reason why you should be able to condone who it’s ok to kill, and who it’s not.
Scortch – I saw the tape and the distance that rock was thrown. And if every boy who ever threw a rock at somebody was shot, there wouldn’t be a boy left on the planet. But continue your disgusting racist rant and see where it ultimately gets the party that I’m sure you love with all your heart. See where that sort of hate speech got the GOP in California, magnified all over the nation. Ugh.
Dolmance, I have never thrown a rock at a police officer, and certainly never a police officer while he was attempting to do his job…in fact, I’ve never thrown a rock at anybody, so your ascertain that there “wouldn’t be a boy left on the planet” does not hold up.
And it just so happens, I’m a Democrat, entirely in favor of single-payer health insurance & eliminating, utilization of fossil fuels for energy, AND…equal opportunity laws.
Had this been an illegal Russian, as white as the driven snow, throwing rocks at our police officers & violating our borders, I would feel no different.
We are a sovereign nation, with the absolute right to control who is allowed to enter our country, and the right to control our population. While the leadership of the Democratic party is not in lock-step with the majority of the party on this issue (and very probably being paid off for it), I assure you, most Democrats want our borders secured.
Has it not occurred to you that the mass-invasion of illegal workers into our country is being orchestrated by wealthy corporate interests, with the ultimate goal being to increase our pool of workers to the point where workers are plentiful, and thus cheap?…we see this in places that already have population problems, like India & China.
I see this invasion as nothing less than the continuing assault of the wealthy classes on the middle class, with the end goal being the destruction of the middle class along with any political power it may still possess…and I will fight to stop them.
You, on the other hand, seem to be trying to help them accomplish this goal.