微软创办人盖茨与股神巴菲特,6月16日广邀美国亿万富豪慷慨解囊,捐出一半财富,从事慈善公益事业。命名为“赠与誓言”的劝募善款活动,初期将以列名《福布斯》杂志的美国四百大富豪为主,未来将扩展到世界各地。 巴菲特撰文表示,2006年承诺把财产99%捐作公益的决定,令他无比快乐。响应“赠与誓言”的美国巨富们同时引用了石油大王卡内基的名言:“带着巨富而死,是一种耻辱。”
在这里,美国富豪将了中国富豪一军!不久前,“2010胡润富豪消费价格指数”显示目前中国已有 87.5万个千万富豪、5.5万个亿万富豪。而多个可靠信息源的信息均显示,当今中国的贫富两极分化已经远远超过国际公认的警戒线。
In the states, the gap between the wealthy and what’s left of the middle class has become enormous, in no small part due to the large number of American industries that have moved offshore, which was facilitated by our government dropping, almost entirely, the tariffs that we have had in place since America’s inception.
American’s are thus being placed in direct competition with other workers in the world, to see who will work for the least amount of money…and unlike their overseas counterparts, Americans have no public services to help them survive, no government health insurance or health-care option, no old-age retirement funds (with the exception of Social Security, which is only supplemental & is only funded by the working poor & middle-class, as the wealthy are not subjected to it’s taxes).
You say the wealthy here feel “safe”…that is a concept that will not last much longer, I’m afraid, as more and more people become jobless, under-employed, and desperate.
And we are a very well-armed country…if there were an insurrection here involving a good percentage of the citizenry, the police would be immediately overwhelmed, and the military would not be enough to save the wealthy, or their government lap-dogs either…besides, most of our military is overseas right now, and many of them would side with the people, anyway.
How have things degraded this far?…the very thing you mention in your article…Reaganomics has allowed an enormous gap to occur between the wealthy and the poor & middle-class. Most of the GDP of the nation is being hoarded by a small percentage of the population, less than 20% of the citizens own 90% of all there is available to own in the U.S., and they have taken control of our government by simply buying it out. No doubt you’ve seen the wealthy start manipulating your government in China, in the same manner…it seems to follow a pattern.
This can’t end well.