Between a Dream and a Nightmare in the Middle East

In one of the few speeches of interest in the U.N. General Assembly, U.S. President Barack Obama openly advocated the creation of a Palestinian state. The U.S. leader said that if there is agreement, next year the U.N. will have a new country as a member.

If both sides fail, [the] “Palestinians will never know the pride and dignity that comes with their own state. Israelis will never know the certainty and security that comes with sovereign and stable neighbors who are committed to coexistence, ” according to what the American leader said at the U.N.

I think it is interesting to take advantage of Obama’s speech and ask what the readers think should happen in a year:

1) Obama’s Dream – The Palestinian state will be created. Its territory will include most of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Jerusalem will remain unified, but as the capital of two states. The refugees will return to Palestine, but not to Israel.

2) Obama’s Nightmare – The Palestinians will remain stateless. Israel will remain insecure. “The hard realities of demography will take hold. …This Holy Land will remain a symbol of our differences,” according to the president.

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