America: The Great Lie

It is called the world’s police. It is called the greatest nation in the world. It is called a nation of freedom and democracy. It is called … It is called … It is called … Each of these names has been given to the United States of America by its allies abroad and repeated by the wealthy within.

I am one of those who once believed that America was beyond imagination and that one would never witness there what we find in the Third World in terms of poverty, want and unemployment. Some imagine that America is merely the food and shelter that come through aid (and which actually are deducted from the wealth of your nation in one way or another). They imagine that life is food and shelter, and it does not matter whether one works or not. This is what the opportunist wants for us; they are those who don’t want us to progress and don’t want us to learn, lest they lose their place in the world.

America, which Hollywood films have depicted as a dreamland or paradise, is nothing more than a collection of petty states scattered here and there, unconnected by social, racial or cultural ties. There is no history connecting them and no roots. America is a number of states coming forth from various parts of the land to participate in establishing a country in which they have no stake. America, which is now experiencing the worst stages of its economic life, still lives and thrives on the wealth of the people, so it takes taxes from absolutely everything in life. When the émigré or refugee comes to America, all of these taxes are deducted during the more than 5 years in which he essentially buys the nationality that enables him to enter the nations of the world without restraint or condition. The general public does not know that there are many nations more beautiful and better than America in a number of ways.

At times, an Arab country denies issuing a visa to an Arab from another Arab nation while granting one to the Arab who carries an American passport, not knowing that this Arab makes America and not America that makes him Arab. In doing so, these Arab states fail to grant each other respect and preserve any honor for their sons before the nations that were built by Arab minds and hands.

If only the world knew the amount of poverty, vagrancy and crime that America is living under and the extent of the social cleavage that defines America in this era. America has dominated the world through arms and economics thanks to Arab, Asian, European and African minds. America attracted these minds by arming itself with the policy of freedom and democracy while many of the world’s nations were losing it. America offers much to those who seek it but always under its own rules and conditions.

In many nations in the world, there are not vagrants sleeping on the streets but in America there are many. In many countries of the world, there is personal satisfaction and appropriate work, but in America this is not the case. In many countries, there is a religious base, whether Islamic, Christian, Jewish or otherwise, but in America they don’t know what religion is; everyone works for his own personal advantage.

Do you all know that I suffered from a simple sickness and was not able to treat myself? The illness worsened because the government was two months late in sending a paper after I entered the U.S. I could only treat myself with herbs. I was not able to buy the medication without a medical check-up from a doctor, which could cost $500; the treatment could cost $1,000, on top of other high costs for medical tests.

It would surprise you to know how close the fall of America is and how America, which controls the world (when the truth is that the world makes America), lives. Now, America is indebted to China alone for $13 trillion. American cities have begun announcing their bankruptcies and the beginnings of five part plans to rebuild the economy anew after the recent collapse.

Many cities in America have crime rates reaching 30 percent, which has led city leaders to request Asian refugees to change the demographics of their cities and to reduce crime, believing that the refugees have social and family ties that will help in reducing crime.

Everything in my country and other countries is more beautiful than America. I am Iraqi, and I consider the region of Kurdistan more beautiful than America by far. Were it not for what is occurring in other Iraqi cities, the smallest of Iraqi cities would be more beautiful than all of America.

Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon and the Gulf states are each more beautiful than America, but can these Arab states grant you entrance to their country without a visa? I used to want to live in Egypt, for example, or Qatar or the Emirates, but these nations deny you residence, though they accept it when you are the carrier of an American passport. This is the solution for many here in America. They apply for an American passport in order to travel to other nations and live there. However, when the time finally arrives when they can carry that passport, they find that they and their family have become influenced by American life and travel has become hard, except for those that have held on to their customs and traditions.

I’ll say in closing that everything in America is nothing but a great lie that the masses are deluded by, a delusion they created themselves. There is nothing here that distinguishes America from the world except the freedom that is difficult to apply in our Islamic or Arab world and a large number of those who have left their customs and traditions on the shelf, under the influence of the American way of life.

Yasin al-Rabia`i – USA

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