The “New Middle East”

It has seemed lately that the Middle East is fast becoming the “new Middle East,” a label it has given itself and one policy makers in the United States and Israel have promoted. However, the current “new Middle East” is not what the Americans and the Israelis planned for but what the Egyptian populace has demanded. With regard to the recent events in Egypt, we see the cards on the table being shuffled; the different domestic and foreign political actors are recalculating their accounts in the region.

This raises questions about the Western position toward the Middle East and the intentions of the United States leadership in the region. The United States does not care what change occurs in the region, as long as it maintains its strategic interests and its allies. The United States is also conspiring with the Zionist entity to make sure that the conventions Israel signed with its neighboring countries remain unchangeable.

The Zionists have come to a place no one envies; situations are starting to change around them. They planned for future scenarios and discussed plans to begin implementing. However, recently, the cards on the table were shuffled due to the developing situations in Egypt, Tunisia and other Arab countries in the region. The revolutions have caused fear in Washington and the Zionists have begun to increase their demands for security and stability in the region.

What worries the Zionists are not the recent occurrences in the Middle East but the signs that some nations in the region are now willing to stand up and speak their minds alongside the Arab elite, thus breaking the wall of silence in the region. This has led to the rejection and decline of some of the region’s governments and their influences. This decline of control will surely reflect on future issues in the Middle East.

The decline of Western influence in the region came after the Western economic crisis. Some European countries crumbled due to the world economic crises, and Washington’s influence began to corrode after it realized that its own economy was the cause. We are now witnessing Washington, the official shepherd of the Zionist terror movement, take the “road to ruin,” as Republican Sarah Palin expressed it.

We see the American empire and the pro-Zionist movement decaying as neighboring countries go through political change. The acceleration of new global powers like China, India, Brazil and Russia is now apparent. As a result, Washington will shift from using military power to a more passive approach toward the nations in the Middle East. The West feels that the issues in the region are now out of their control. We now see envoys being sent to the Middle East and President Barak Obama giving press conferences.

What causes the Zionists the most worry is not the current situation in the region; it is their increased awareness of the Arab mentality and the fall of ideological sensitivities, after recent revolutions between countries in the region. This mentality change drove all nations of the region to unite. This can only mean that the decade of Arab absence is over. The stability of the Zionist entity is now threatened and its aggressive efforts for political control are now not possible. The Arab nations in the region will surely take any military step by Israel to an uncertain and unsafe conclusion. The “new Middle East” will not stay the way it was in the past.

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