Without a doubt, what is happening today from the uprisings and Arab anger, including the masses of the Arab nations from the Gulf to the far seas, brings happiness and pride to every honorable Arab when he feels that the Arab nation is still alive and still has pride and resistance to shake off injustice and the oppressors. However, this happiness will soon turn into sadness, pain and despair when the Arab person figures out that the uprisings of the Arab masses will be aborted, eroded and subsided with the doings of an alliance — a power of evil that consists of Arab leaders, their families, oil companies and Western weapons of occupation after feeling that their (Western) interests are under threat.
The complexity of the political and economic situations is not hidden from view to the spectators of these recent events occurring today. Moreover, neither is the motivation for strategic and tactical interests that is available for the taking in the Arab region to every politician. I will try to summarize and address this issue. We can shed a light on and enumerate them on Iran, Turkey and Israel, “the ground forces with effective executive orders,” and America and Britain, “a world force for strategic interests controlling the threads of the game.”
For more than two centuries we have seen the struggle between the Christian West and the Islamic East alongside other religions, a struggle of interests and influences that has been viewed differently with the passing of time. What matters to us today is not the sequence of history but the role played by the U.S. in the region. The U.S. is playing its allies these days, bringing the Middle Eastern nations to their knees for its own interests in the region and for the security of Israel.
After World War II, the appearance of the socialist East provided an enemy for the Western capitalists. The Cold War eventually ended with the victory of the Western capitalists, who were led by the U.S. against the Soviet Union. This defeat of the Soviet Union turned it into a country of agents working in Europe and the U.S. for Russian interests.
In the 20th century the West created Zionist Israel, “the entity claiming to defend the Jewish faith” in the heart of the Arab nations, which has become the knife that keeps the Arab wound bleeding after Israel displaced and expelled the Palestinian people from their homes and land. This bleeding of the Arab will go on as long as Arab oil is running. The U.S. has set up traps in order to guard this entity (Israel) from every part and quarter of this world. This is what the Arabs call the Palestinian catastrophe, “Nakba,” and in response to this injustice and the theft of the Arab and Islamic nations a phenomenon started: the military coups and the emergence of revolutionary systems with a military nature, starting with the Egyptian revolution of July 23 that later transformed into a repressive dictatorship with the help of the Americans and the West.
The Western efforts made it easy for those mad, idiotic and indifferent dictators to rule their people with an iron fist for extended periods of time and with extended contracts that never expired. The special nature of those monarchs and leaders is to deprive their people of their national wealth, starving and humiliating them while the ruling families enjoy every privilege, using that national wealth and squandering it on gambling, etc. The calamity is that the money and wealth of the region were also transferred to the occupying Western capitalist countries. The regular person does not know the details and information to enable them to regain or demand for their rights and wealth back. For example, Iraqis’ wealth: When Iraq’s oil was nationalized in the ‘70s, it was said that Saddam Hussein’s condition was that a portion of Iraq’s oil imports go to the Arab Ba’ath socialistic party and put toward an emergency budget. This operation of transferring 5 percent of Iraq’s oil imports went on and on, undetected, without revealing any secrets behind Saddam’s wealth and its fate. We all know that the assets of that money are deposited in capitalistic Western banks. Perhaps the wives of such leaders are unaware of the money’s fate. However, we all remember the noise caused by the media about the Palestinian people’s wealth deposited under the name of Arafat after his death and the fights between Arafat’s wife and the Palestinian leadership that were leaked to the media. This same scenario of theft also applies to the wealth of Hosni Mubarak, Bin Ali and Moammar Gadhafi.
We hear today that this person’s money and that person’s money were frozen and no one knows the money’s fate; a crook sponsoring a crook; both are thieves. The wealth of nations is lost with the use of legalities. How poor are the Arab people?
The U.S. and the West erected their clients for the past 50 years. They have raised the slogans of democracy, freedom and human rights. The poor Arab civilians believed their slogans as I did, where they struggle to make that democracy and freedom a reality. The Arabs are shocked about the American anti-democracy position and refusal to allow the people to decide their own fate. I will give you an example of American practices leaving behind the people of the region who were oppressed to secure its own interest. In order to compare American positions and analyze them, we need to compare what has happened in Iraq, Tunis and Egypt and what is happening now in Libya, Yemen and Bahrain, so we can come to a conclusion about the fake American position.
In most cases the U.S. stands against the interests of the Arab nations, against democracy and human rights in the region. The U.S. foreign policy position is truly only media positions of deception portrayed to the masses, who aspire to copy the democracy the U.S. prompts to us. To understand this farcical American drama, let us go back to the year 1991, to the second Gulf War and how the withdrawal of the Iraqi army turned into a defeat — especially after the Iraqi army encountered and were exposed to a massacre remembered by the army leaders because of the use of the deadliest lethal weapons to annihilate the defeated Iraqi counties and the Iraqi borders. Norman Schwarzkopf’s forces then reached to the east of Al Nasriya. As the army data indicates, they were able to reach Baghdad and occupy it easily, with the fall of 14 Kurdish/Shi’ite provinces from the 18 Iraqi provinces. The allied army also had the opportunity to change Saddam Hussein’s ruling system, especially after the Iraqi masses rose against his rule. The U.S. declared a no-fly zone on the latitudes of 34 and 36 degrees, which includes the northern Kurdish provinces, in addition to latitudes south of 34 degrees, which included the center and southern Shi’ite providences.
Moreover, the U.S. administration imposed a no-fly zone at 36 degrees and provided security and safety to the forces of the Kurdish Peshmerge, which was led by the two known parties for the next 13 years. The pretext at the time was to protect the Kurdish people from Saddam’s oppression. The truth is the good relations between the Kurds and Israel that impacted future relations between the U.S. and the Kurdish leaders are still ongoing to our day. Meanwhile, the U.S. allowed Saddam and his national guards to eliminate the uprising Shi’ite populations in Shi’ite provinces without any mercy. The U.S. did not implement its promises to safeguard and protect the Shi’ites. The reason they expressed for not protecting the Shi’a at that time was because the U.S. did not want to hand Iraq to a sectarian group linked and related to Iran. This was the biggest lie they expressed to the world.
The truth was that the Shi’ite masses in the center and southern provinces lacked leadership and leaders that were known to America. The Americans also were not ready to hand down the leadership of Iraq to an unknown leadership that was not guaranteed or loyal to implement the U.S. strategic interest; these were the true reasons behind the invasion of Iraq in 2003. In clearer words, the U.S. preferred to keep Saddam governing Iraq, weak and surrounded, until the next available chance for his removal. The U.S. trains and prepares clients to take over the rule of Iraq and to manage it in compliance with programs set by the U.S. After achieving its goals, the U.S. predisposes of its clients, who are traitors of Iraq. This is what truly happened and is known to all after the 2003 invasion.
I must point out the truth that some of the Sunnis and the spiteful might not realize that the Shi’ites of Iraq are more devoted to the Arab cause and their Arab nationality than any other Sunni. Whoever does not know the truth should study the details of the eight-year Iraq/Iran war. Shi’ites and Sunnis were the men who sacrificed their lives to defend Arab nationalism.
I am in pieces knowing that I will have to talk about this ideological and sectarian issue. I only mentioned it to clear up and show that the U.S. policies of deception on its claims of defending the rights of world nations, their freedom, democracy and human rights. I will try to detect the Obama administration’s manipulation and that of every other administration in the past and the ones coming in the future. We must not trust the positions of U.S. officials. What have the Iraqis gained from American democracy? I will list them below.
1. Destroying the infrastructure and superstructures of Iraq
2. The plans to divide Iraq
3. Tearing apart the Iraqi people on the basis of ethnicity, tribes and religion
4. The looting of Iraqis’ wealth
5. Integrating not one dictator but tens of them
6. Killing, assassinating, torturing and displacing hundred of thousands of Iraqis.
Those are the gains that were achieved for the Iraqi people. We have to be wary of what the American administration and Israel are planning for the future of our children.
It has been proved to the Iraqis that the one who posses scientific knowledge and technology capabilities could harness that to achieve their colonial goals. The media and the Internet (i.e. WikiLeaks, Facebook and Twitter) could be used to stir the starving deprived youth of the region against government systems, while the U.S. will abandon the revolting people at any time they choose.
The revolution of the Tunisian people
The Americans, who have sucked Tunisia’s wealth dry, enraged the youth of Tunisia into kicking out Bin Ali with what he and his family had stolen in his 23 years of iron-fist rule. The U.S. then appointed and handed the rule of Tunisia to the vice president, Mohammed Al Ghannouchi, thus calming the anger and revolution of the youth without making a change in the root cause, which was what the youth were calling for. It is visible to everyone in the aftermath of the revolution and chaos. Our poor Tunisian nation, even with the processions of the martyrs, has still achieved a great completion. They have swapped a black dog for a red one and embedded American control over the Tunisian people and their capabilities. If that belief it is not widely known and shared now, it is because the experience is still new.
Our victimized Egyptian people’s revolution
You have all watched the sacrifice that was presented by our Arab family in Egypt, which gave the Americans and Israel enough time to allow Mubarak to organize his affairs through the friend of the Israelis Omar Suleiman, Mohammed Tantawi and the army leaders. With the passing of time, the details of this dirty plan to gather the starving Egyptian people’s wealth will be exposed. Moreover, Mubarak’s role in the assassination of Al Sadaat was later exposed. The biggest evidence for the West achieving their goals was the lies they shared with the Egyptian people and the acceptance of Israel of all of the current changes in the region without any opposition — which is very unusual and unlikely.
The misery of our family in Libya
Every Arab devoted to Arab nationalism, and every Arab nation following the Libyan revolution and misery, was cautioned and advised by some Libyans to avoid Western involvement. This also reminds me of the misery of the Iraqi people in the 1991 revolution. The Americans incited the Iraqi people to revolt and later left them alone, allowing the dictator Saddam to take revenge on his own people. It is happening today in Libya — an isolated people are being killed by air strikes, missiles and tanks while America watches. After the mad Gadhafi is done taking revenge on his own people, the West will force on him a blockade and place humiliating sanctions to subdue and contain him. This was done in the past to other leaders before him. If you were one of the Libyans revolting, you would not have waited the U.S. to be your savior. This is because they do not care if half of the Libyan people are exterminated. I am still convinced that the division of Libya is included in their plans, as well as a new Middle East.
The unfortunate Yemen
The situations there are not different than what is happening in Libya. Executor Ali Abduallah Saleh will not leave the Yemeni people alone; in fact, he will seek revenge on those who (disbelieved him) as he has done to the Houthis. This crazed man, like every other military dictator, will use the military against his own people. He will benefit from the U.S. and Europe overlooking his actions to quench the Yemeni revolution for some time; perhaps Saleh might also help divide Yemen into a northern and southern state.
The Bahraini tragedy
The people of Bahrain, who do not exceed half a million — which equals one Iraqi city — are peaceful and educated. The Bahraini people went out to protest, demanding constitutional reforms. However, the mentally ill prince of the emirate of Bahrain saturated his personal ego when he turned the emirate of Bahrain to a monarchy, making himself king. These actions provide enough proof that he is a dictator and a thief who is madly obsessed with his own greatness. He does not differ from the others who plan to hand the wealth to their own children.
The importance of Bahrain is that it is the headquarters of the fifth American fleet, which was the first American military leadership in the Arab region. The U.S. notices that the Arab region is going through a wave of revolutions started by popular and shared anger. What is unusual is that the mad Bahraini monarch, who is America’s over-achieving client, is trying to cause pain and agony to his people, starting a fight between his people (a sectarian fight) using sedition. The American administration tried to start the fires of sedition and sectarian violence between the Iraqi people and caused that sedition to fail.
The involvement of the Saudi Arabian, UAE and Qatari armies with the introduction of a Jordanian group in the Libyan fight was a massive intervention which was orchestrated with American acceptance after the last visit of America’s Secretary of Defense Gates in the region.
The first question I have asked myself as an ex-soldier: Is it necessary for such military strength against a disobedient Bahraini civilian to suppress defenseless civilians? Of course not!
I believe that fear is now keeping the U.S. and the Obama administration from being able to control the Arab nations and its masses, these Arab nations that were repressed and constantly prosecuted for the past 50 years under the hands of America’s clients in the region. The revolution was started against such clients. The U.S. wants to ensure its possibilities of control in the region by changing the pawns in accordance to its own interests and the interests and security of Israel. The second possibility would be to send a strong warning to Iran in order to slow Iran’s inflenunce and involvement in the region by starting and fabricating a crisis and charging the Iranian Basij elements for it in order to deliver a strong hit on the Iranian people. This will come after the present failure of the U.S. to remove or weaken the Mullah’s regime in Tehran. This regime in Iran is a nightmare to the other sectarian driven regime, in Saudi Arabia. In other words, there is a trap set for Iran to start sectarian conflicts.
We can not ignore the U.S./Israeli failure to disarm the Lebanese resistance, either with war or orders from the Security Council or with the assignation of Hariri or the starting of a sectarian strife and, finally, the visible involvement of the international court in Hariri’s murder as if Hariri was more valuable than the Palestinian, Iraqi, Libyan, Yemeni or Bahraini people, who are all exposed to mass murder. The U.S. is for human rights, eager to punish who murdered the Prophet Rafiq Al Hariri. Damn the U.S. and its double standards.
The U.S. stabbed the heart of the Arab nations for the first time when it divided the Arab/Islamic nations into smaller countries after World War I, along with the will and planning of the colonizing infidel West with the help of their clients (the Arab leaders).
Saudi Arabia will be on the wrong side of history, while the outcomes and consequences will be borne by the Arab and Islamic nations. The outcomes of the involvement of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other Gulf sates in Bahrain might not be visible now, but the consequences will surely show one day and the monarchs will pay the price; the people will gain in the future and take over their thrones and family fortune. The availability of the media and Internet will provide the real information that will easily reach every Arab citizen; nothing will be hidden from them. The U.S. will leave victoriously with its interests using its political deception. The Arab monarchs will be seen as evil for using that deception. I pray to God to help us avoid America’s and Israel’s plans for a fourth gulf war in our region.
I am positive that what is happening in Bahrain is nothing but a trap for Iran in order to pull Iran into a sectarian conflict, similar to the trap set by America for Saddam Hussein when he was pushed to invade Kuwait. Are there any Iranians aware of the trap set for them?
May God protect Iraq and its people!
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