In light of the events that have taken place in the recent months, the situation in the international arena is uneasy. It’s obvious that the Western countries — the U.S., UK and France — interpret the UN Security Council’s decisions as they see fit. Libya is a clear example. The U.S. and western European countries are demonstrating that they don’t think it’s necessary to take into account the views of other Security Council members, including its permanent members Russia and China. They use any text from the Security Council resolution to justify doing as they please.
Moreover, the West is generally very fond of all sorts of sanctions. There’s a sense that these countries know how to interact with others only through threats, prohibitions and penalties.
Additionally, we have seen that in recent years the U.S., in a coalition with European countries, waged several wars on other countries’ territories under various pretexts. With two such large operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, where is the time for other conflicts? But the same thing was started in Libya, though on a slightly smaller scale.
This whole chain of events — the behavior of Western countries in this context, plus long-standing complaints against Iran — show that it’s very likely that military pressure will be placed on Iran. The pressure on Syria is also closely related to this. Thus far, their plan has failed because China and Russia vetoed the UN resolution.
Getting back to Iran, we must take into account the views of good and keen experts on American foreign and domestic policy, as well as European affairs specialists. There is an opinion that due to the financial and economic crisis that is growing in western Europe and the United States, and in connection with many other crises within the European Union, the ruling class of these countries is looking for an excuse for some kind of international conflict. They are ready to wage war in other parts of the globe in order to get through their own crisis.
More and more it seems that Americans and western Europeans are looking for some large military conflict, to solve the problem of their own domestic crisis. Otherwise, I don’t even know how to interpret the madness of them putting pressure, sanctions and threats on country after country. And then they go further along the chain, as was the case with Libya.
Obviously, Russia is categorically opposed to any sanctions against Syria and Iran. No sane country can agree with these sanctions. In reality, Iran does not threaten anyone directly.
I do not know the nationality of the terrorists that were discovered by U.S. law enforcement officers. Terrorists may be of any nationality and origin. In any case, it’s lawful to punish individuals if they are guilty. Punishing entire nations, none of which can be held responsible for all actions of all their citizens, is a completely different matter. This type of behavior is called war, with all its consequences.
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