Bush Charged With Torture

George W. Bush standing in the dock – many people around the world would welcome such a decision. Murat Kurnaz would especially welcome it because the German-Turkish citizen had to spend five years in Guantanamo, the prison camp in legal no-man’s land where the United States warehoused terrorist suspects from all over the world after the 9/11 attacks. Many spent years in custody there without being charged with any crime, enduring inhuman conditions that included torture.

That’s why Kurnaz and three other ex-prisoners have demanded Bush be subject to a criminal investigation. Charges were reportedly filed against Bush yesterday during the ex-President’s visit to Canada. Several days earlier, several human rights organizations asked that charges be brought against Bush since Canada is legally bound to do so as a signatory to the United Nations Convention Against Torture. Bush is also said to have approved the arbitrary CIA kidnapping of suspected terrorists.

Bush continues to justify torture practices such as the infamous simulated drowning practice known as waterboarding. Bush, like his Vice President Dick Cheney, has thus far refused to apologize to victims of these human rights abuses. During his administration, Bush suspended the constitutional rights of citizens and is now being rightly called upon to answer for his actions.

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