Obama, Sarkozy, Netanyahu: They All Lie!

Posted on November 15, 2011.

Predictably, the media quickly silenced the unexpected “hot mic” incident that revealed the true views of Nicolas Sarkozy and Barack Obama on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Reportedly, Sarkozy told Obama, “I can’t stand him anymore. He’s a liar.” Far from expressing his disagreement, the White House occupant validated Sarkozy’s words saying that: “You are sick of him but I have to work with him every day.”

The incident is interesting for several reasons. First, without much appeal, it shows the moral character of the two most important political leaders of the West. The least that could be said for them upon knowing about that conversation is that they’re hypocrites, cynical and unscrupulous in the management of public affairs and, it is consequently conceivable that dishonesty and unscrupulousness must also preside over their actions when, for example, they declare war or bomb defenseless civilians, like what happened a few weeks ago in Libya. That both called the Israeli prime minister a liar is applied like a ring on the gloves of the two leaders. Two of the most important “democracies” in the world — in reality, sordid plutocracies where large fortunes and mega-corporations hold the real power — have two individuals in control who made and make lying one of the more favorable instruments of domination. Or was this not the case in years of praising Netanyahu? Was there not wholehearted support for the initiatives of the Israeli “liar?” How do we explain the inexplicable: financial, military and political support for an unbearable liar?

Secondly, Obama confessed that he must deal with him daily. What is not said is a secret: He deals with him on a daily basis because the Israeli lobbyists in America have bought or rented the majority of the empire’s political leadership, corrupt though it is to the core, as well as much of the media outlets. It’s that simple. Obama has to endure the pressures of the “liar” because his political career has been, and continues to be, dependent on the powerful lobbies of several countries, the strongest of which is Israel. The same goes for his allies in Congress, whichever party they belong to. Therefore, when Obama speaks, he cannot do so truthfully. His constant moral appeals, typical of a cheap Sunday sermon preacher, are a loincloth of the unmentionable: the complete subordination of the world’s most important judiciary to the conveniences and interests of those who pay to be served. They pay to make his political career possible and then they charge for their contributions in the empire’s costly political campaigns. Hence, an unbearable liar like Netanyahu garners the permanent solidarity of whoever occupies the White House.

Finally, the U.S. announced a few days before the indiscreet conversation between Obama and Sarkozy that next year U.S. and Israeli armed forces would perform the largest joint exercises in its history. Whatever may have been the reasons given to justify such effort, the putrid smell of the lie is cast by each word of the leader’s statement. How will Obama justify that initiative now? How will he proceed so promiscuously associated with a liar like Netanyahu? Who is, not coincidentally, the only one who accompanied him in the General Assembly vote in which 186 countries condemned the blockade on Cuba and defeated Washington’s position once again. These are symptoms of an incurable moral decay and of a crazy career aimed at renovations and increasingly dangerous lies, for example that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction; that Gaddafi bombed innocent civilians in Benghazi with his air force; that Iran is about to develop a nuclear device; that Venezuela and Cuba support terrorism; that Evo Morales does the same thing with drug trafficking, and so on. These are slanders and fabrications necessary to maintain a system already condemned by history. And to avert that final moment of liars of all stripes, they do not hesitate in closing ranks. The spectacle is shameful and disgusting because everyone knows that the other, beyond the nobility of their inauguration as rulers, is a liar. And now they said it publicly thanks to a technical error. Not surprisingly, the news had ceased to be news after a few hours for the big empire’s media. It will be up to us to remember it day by day.

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