The Veil Has Torn

The anti-imperialism of the Cold War is, despite all the abuses the American government has caused, a thing of the past. Manipulation and romanticizing had a hand in the demonization of anything that reeked of Uncle Sam. The most inoffensive assistance and best intentions were chalked up to plans of domination and attempts at brainwashing to prevent any hint of social dissent. The United States was the giant monster — that is, until the paradigms of socialism finally began to collapse and show their true colors.

In most of the cases of socialism that have survived, such as China, they have moved forward based on capitalist theories. The tearing of the veil has resulted in the assistance of a great power, thanks to which there have been many advances in the political and administrative order, not to mention the radical change in standards of living for many families.

Instead of demonizing the United States for its support of social reform movements in favor of the education system, against corruption and cleaning up the judicial power, we should be congratulating them. This is the type of intervention that any nation should accept from another, more developed nation. But what happens is that political interests cannot agree upon this kind of second-rate patriotism.

Yet, for its social and economic developments and the strength of its institutions, the United States is the mirror of the world. And if this great nation can give us a small hand in areas that necessitate aid, we really can only be grateful. In some cases any praise is highly valued. What wouldn’t any Dominican — including President Leonel Fernandez — give for a date with Barack Obama or to meet with his wife, Michelle? Whatever involvement that is in favor of welfare and development will be positive.

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