How Should We View America’s “Return to Asia?”


在最近于夏威夷檀香山举行的亚太经济合作组织(APEC)财政部长会议、美国总统奥巴马于澳大利亚议会发表演讲、峇厘 岛的东亚峰会、及美国国务卿希拉莉于《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志撰写有见地的文章“美国的太平洋世纪”(America’s Pacific Century)后,美国外交政策焦点转向亚太地区便成了目前最热门的课题。

At the recent Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Finance Ministerial Meeting held at Sandalwood Hills in Hawaii, after U.S. President Obama spoke at the congress in Australia and the East Asia Summit at Bali, and U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton wrote a well-grounded article “America’s Pacific Century” in the magazine Foreign Policy, the change of the U.S. foreign policy’s focus toward the Asian region became a current hot topic.


The purpose of this meeting was to assess the substantial content and significance of the Obama administration’s shift of focus to this region as well as to understand the responses of the Asia Pacific nations or how they would respond to such a change.

  我将探讨下列三个问题。We shall look at three issues as follows.

美国的七大论点 America’s seven major contentions

  问题一:美国到底做出了什么建议?Question 1: What proposals did America actually make?

   据我了解,建议包括了七个论点。第一,美国是太平洋强国和区域内强国,不是外来势力。因此,美国对区域有长期的义务,也将留在区域内。第二,同其他区域 比较,美国将更注重这个区域。这是认识到在21世纪,世界上最有活力经济体位于这个区域的事实。此外,这也是认识到经济实力正逐渐从西方转移到东方的事 实。除非美国经济和区域的经济体联结,奥巴马政府增加出口和创造就业的双重经济目标将不能实现。

From what I understand, the proposals included seven contentions. Firstly, the U.S. is a Pacific and regional superpower, not a foreign power. Therefore, the U.S. has a long-term obligation to the region and shall remain in it. Secondly, compared to other regions, the U.S. pays more attention to this region. This is recognizing the fact of the presence of the world’s most vital economy in this region in the 21st century. Additionally, this is also recognizing the fact that economic power is gradually shifting from the West to the East. Unless the U.S.’ economy as well as the region’s come together, the Obama administration’s dual goal of increasing export and creating jobs will not be able to realize.

第三,在撤离伊拉克的美军和减少驻阿富 汗美国士兵的人数后,美国将加强美军在本区域的影响。美国最近决定派250名海军陆战队员进驻达尔文,并把数目增加至2500,便显示了它的用意。第四, 美国会在贸易、投资和商业交易上加深同区域的经济联系。近年,美国已被欧盟和中国占去一些地盘。比如,美国原来一直是亚细安和其成员国的最大或第二大贸易 伙伴,现在只排名第三或四。不过,以同亚洲国家签署的双边或整体自由贸易协定的数目来说,美国虽落后中国,却仍然领先欧盟。

Thirdly, after withdrawing the American troops from Iraq and reducing the number of American soldiers posted in Afghanistan, the U.S. will strengthen its military influence in this region. The U.S.’ recent decision to send 250 Marines Corps members into Darwin and increasing that number to 2,500 exhibits its intention. Fourthly, the U.S. will deepen its economic relationship with the region in trade, investment and business transactions. In recent years, the U.S. has lost some territories to the European Union (EU) and China. For example, the U.S. had always been the biggest or the second biggest trade partner of ASEAN and its member nations, but it is now only the third or fourth. In terms of the number of bilateral or full free trade agreement entered into with Asian countries, however, the U.S. is behind China, but it still leads the EU.

第 五,美国将为同日本、韩国、澳大利亚和菲律宾的盟友关系注入新活力。第六,美国将利用“泛太平洋伙伴关系协定”(TPP)为主要工具,来减少贸易和投资壁 垒,并促进亚太地区的经济融合。第七,美国提升了亚细安的重要性。最近,奥巴马总统在峇厘岛举行他同亚细安国家首脑(包括缅甸领导人)的第三次年度峰会。 奥巴马愿意同缅甸接触,并鼓励它在民主道路上前进,是让人耳目一新的改变。

Fifth, the U.S. will inject a new vitality into its alliances with Japan, Korea, Australia and the Philippines. Sixth, the U.S. is going to use the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) as the main tool to reduce trade and investment barriers as well as promote the economic integration of the Asia Pacific region. Seventh, the U.S. has elevated the importance of Asean. Recently, President Obama held his third annual summit with the leaders of Asean nations (including leaders of Myanmar). Obama was willing to interact with the Burmese, and he encouraged them to move on the road to democracy. This is a refreshing change.

  问题二:美国政策是针对中国吗?Question 2: Is America’s policy targeted at China?


The media loves a controversial issue. Therefore, many reporters and commentators chose to interpret the U.S.’ policy as one targeted at China. This is hardly surprising. The increasing anti-China views coming from the government and American leaders within the parliament augmented the credibility of such a view. Actually, such a view is to garner voters’ support before the elections in November next year.




   我在中国的一些朋友,怀疑美国正尝试建立一个反中国的联盟,成员包括美国盟友和其他民主国家。我不认为这是奥巴马总统的政策,虽然我承认一些美国人可能 希望这么做。然而,即使美国将来的一个政府尝试这样做,它也不会成功。以亚细安为例,它永远不会加入这样的联盟。亚细安不害怕中国日益繁荣、强大和具有影 响力。亚细安已从中国的繁荣受惠,也决意同中国保持友好和合作的关系。不过,亚细安已向中国清楚表示,它的睦邻及和平发展的政策,正在南中国海受到考验。

   我在美国时,经常被问亚细安是不是支持中国。我在中国时,则经常被问亚细安是不是支持美国。我每次都回答说,亚细安最重要的是支持亚细安。的确,在亚细 安这个大家庭里,一些成员国同美国比较亲近,另外一些则同中国比较亲近。然而,作为一个区域组织,亚细安是中立的,也不会支持任何强国来反对其他强国。它 的目标是同所有的利益相关者交往,和把它们纳入一个合作的框架,来推动我们这个区域的和平及稳定。这正是亚细安邀请美国和俄罗斯参与东亚峰会的原因;也是 亚细安同所有主要区域强国,包括美国、中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰及欧盟建立对话伙伴关系的原因。




首先,TPP不是美国人发起的。当亚太经合组织领导人于 1994年在茂物开会时,他们采纳了在太平洋实行自由贸易和投资的愿景,并于2010年在发达经济体、于2020年在发展中经济体落实这个愿景。之后,亚 太经合组织的企业咨询委员会(Business Advisory Council)说服组织成员国的领导人,接受建立“亚洲太平洋自由贸易区”(FTAAP)的目标。三个亚太经合组织的小经济体智利、新西兰和新加坡于 2002年开始了TPP的谈判,作为达到FTAAP目标的实际方法。文莱后来也加入谈判。美国是在2008年才加入。

其次,TPP是开 放的。任何亚太经合组织经济体,只要愿意和能够达到TPP设定的高水平,都可以要求加入。一个规定是现有成员国必须一致同意接受一个新经济体的加入。在 2004年开始时只有4个成员的TPP,目前有9个谈判伙伴。在于夏威夷檀香山举行的亚太经合组织会议,加拿大、日本和墨西哥表示有兴趣加入TPP。我希 望中国也会考虑加入。中国不需要被邀请。当TPP得到所有21个亚太经合组织经济体的支持时,它将成为FTAAP,茂物的愿景和目标也将获得实现。它将是 全世界最大的自由贸易区。

第三,中国不应该视亚细安+3自由贸易协定、亚细安+6自由贸易协定和TPP为相互排斥的。新加坡认为它们可 以互补。我们相信自由贸易和投资可以让所有国家受惠。因此,我们支持所有促进贸易和投资自由化的计划,不论它们是双边、区域、跨区域或全球性的。事实上, 一些竞争可以帮助促进经济自由化。


让我用三个观点来结束演讲。首先,我认为美国在亚太区域的角色是正面的。它发挥 了协助维持和平及稳定,还有帮助区域内国家在社会、经济和政治上发展的作用。因此,我欢迎奥巴马政府把重心转移到亚太。因为美国总统的任期不能超过两届, 奥巴马总统应该探讨将美国政策的“范式转移”(paradigm shift)制度化的方法。



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