Today, Mitt Romney is fighting for his life in the Michigan and Arizona primaries, according to many political analysts. However, this is just not true.
The Republican voters are participating in primaries in two very important states: Arizona and Michigan. Polling data shows that Mitt Romney will undoubtedly win in Arizona. However, the situation in Michigan is much more complicated.
Romney grew up in Michigan, and his whole political career is tied to that state. The majority of the recent polling gives Romney a slight edge, well within the margin of error, over Rick Santorum, his main rival. One poll gives a slight edge to Santorum. The other candidates don’t even come close.
Many pundits think that if Romney loses Michigan, he will lose the chance for nomination. This is assuming that the voters will think that if Romney can’t even win on such friendly territory, he will not make a good presidential candidate for the general election. This defeat could be made even more dangerous by the fact that Super Tuesday, which features ten state primaries, will take place in just a week, and losing in Michigan might put him at risk of stumbling in those states as well, costing him the nomination.
Santorum is on the recording end of similar prophesies. If the former senator and the icon of the religious right loses in both states, his chances for nomination will shrink down to nothing. If he wins, he will be the favorite. If he wins in one state, such as Michigan, the fratricidal fight will continue to grind onwards.
The truth is that neither Romney, Santorum nor the other candidates, will back out after today’s contests.
Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are fighting for the nomination despite knowing that they do not have a chance because of their fight to establish themselves in the GOP. Analysts from the Romney and Santorum campaigns believe that the worst case scenario, a loss in both states, will not eliminate either candidate from the race or preclude a successful result next Tuesday. The fight will go on.
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